1. Being A RC N00B!
The great thing about this hobby is that everyone is repeatedly a noob. There is so many aspects to the hobby, it seems like every time you move to a new segment of it, you are a noob all over again. So I think something that’s good about FliteTest is that it’s perfectly okay to be talking about being new at something. In fact, it is encouraged!
So today we discuss a few questions related to starting off in a new part of the hobby:
What’s something you wish you knew before you started out?
What’s something that is really difficult and how did you overcome it?
What is something that you figured out that really caused you to excel?
And much more!
Also we want to give a big thanks to FT AfterHours, the FliteTest podcast is now going to be weekly! Think of it as the same podcast but with alternating formats every other week. We will probably stick to this main format for our particular week and Chris Roncaglione’s podcast will take more of an open conversation format. In the future it will perhaps have some sort of live element which everyone is really excited about.
Our podcast host, Max, Bixler's pup :)
What’s New In RC?
World's Toughest Action Sports Drone - Kickstarter
3D Robotics - PixHawk - Homegrown Drones
The Pocket Drone - Kickstarter
Hang out with us around the web!
Vine: @FliteTest
Alex's Instagram: @zvada
Austin's Instagram: @austinj_f
ReadyMadeRC’s Starter FPV Kit
Beginner Series: Batteries and Safety
Want to leave us a voicemail? Click here!
We just might play it on the next show! If you don't have a computer microphone, you can also download the SpeakPipe app for iPhone or iPad and leave a message that way. Remember to leave your name, where you are from and your question/discussion topic in under a minute to have the best chance of being played on the show!
Have a thought about the show?
Rate us in iTunes! It helps us out a lot. :)
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I just wanted to leave a quick note on the LiPo disposal method you described. Putting the batteries in a bucket of salt water will start the discharge, but may end prematurely, due to corrosion of the battery leads/connector, leaving the battery in a non-discharged (i.e. dangerous) state. I remembered reading about this a while ago, and a little googling brought up the page I recalled had good info on how to properly do it. The guy even shares the plans for his own home made lightbulb discharger, so you can build it too. Check it out @
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I thought that you mentioned the you would post a link to the Akron "Alternative OPEN HOUSE" event in March. I did not see but searched the web... Is this it?
Hope to be able to make it.
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Idea: I would LOVE to see a foam/electric LINE CONTROL plane. Some have limited resources, perhaps not enough for R/C, but as a kid a long time ago, line control was all we could afford and we had a lot of fun doing it! I can just see Josh B. and Crazy Swede battling it out in the circle.
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Given that you only talk about P gain and I gain, it sounds like they are not using the derivative in the calculations which does simplify setup and makes the system less sensitive to noise in the sensors.
I hope this helps. If you need more information, I would be happy to answer additional questions (I took 3 quarters of classes in college on control systems and used them for animating CalPoly's float in the Tournament of Roses Parade:
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You should be able to bring it - but always check - don't depend on answers from us. The rules can change (fast). Generally just remember to declare to customs you are taking it out of country so you are not charged on re-entry. Always check what the "free" value is to bring in something to another country. If you are Over that, some will require a Bond to make sure you take it back out (ie don't sell it). The Bonds can be outrageous... trust me.
So simple answer... do your homework With the Customs office for each end... ALWAYS.
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Practically though, do you have special cases to travel with? Batteries? And do you check in or take on?
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Keep up the good work! thanks for the inspiration.
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Here's a pic of the finished wing:
And here's a pic with the LED's on :D
More info on this wing can be found at
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On a more important note - Most solid state electronics is happy with running a colder temperatures. What is the effect of cold temps on the gyro and accelorometers? This ST Micro gyro says that it "can function" down to -40 degrees Celsius. Interestingly this is the only temp that has the same value in Fahrenheit. See
If you have perfected your controller board tuning at 50 F, should one expect to change settings on your controller when the temp drops to the single digits F. ????
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It's called the 808 #16 V2 -cost is $43 on eBay
720p HD recording and simultaneous NTSC video output
here's the eBay listing -
Also a link to this gentleman who has written free super simple software
and has all the information you might want about this camera -
Note- Do not be fooled by cheaper similar looking cameras on eBay, they are cheap older versions.
Happy FPV!!
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I live on a small island and have trips planned to the UK and Japan this year. I was wondering if I can take my quad with me?
Does flighttest have any tips?
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Long story short - if it's acting up don't fly that day and go clean your transmitter out and it'll be fine. Otherwise these things last a pretty long time.
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Regarding mobius/808 cameras falling off, you should try sticking velcro with CA + kicker. It works great. Haven't lost any like this.
Also, salt-water discharging of lipos is not enought by itself. Shortcircuiting and probably puncturing with extreme care & measures are the best. Salt-water is first though.
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great Podcast
about the PID and all this stuff I think it is about setting controller equations. See
And it is alien stuff because it nearly caused me quit studying engineering
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{BTW I live in oshkosh so I would definitely go}
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regarding the camera question about cameras . the live out on a gopro is no better than a decent board cam . in my opinion the board cam is the way to go because you can tune it for different light condition .
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