1. FPV Q&A
We want to thank everyone for keeping our voicemail box interesting! We have received a TON of voicemails from people all over the world and it is pretty great to listen to them all. If you would like to leave us a voicemail, you can find instructions at the bottom of the article. For our main segment, we took a bunch of voicemails related to FPV and grouped them all into a Q&A session. Thanks everyone for literally helping us make the show!
What’s a good beginner set up?
What kind of goggles are best?
How do you get sharp focus on your GoPro?
Today's podcast crew:
This is Josh Bixler's dog cuddeling a rubber chicken. (As promised.)
Also, a photo of Josh Bixler's full scale project!
Favorite FPV Platform!
Josh: EPP FPV/ FliteTest Versa Wing
David: Tricopter
Chad: Anycopter Hex w/gimble
2. What's New at FliteTest
ReadyMadeRC - FPV Starter Kit
Open House/Flite Fest Event 2014?
January Releases - David's Project
Additional Podcast Idea
The Makezine Article isn't released yet.
You can keep an eye out for it here:
3. What's New In RC Tech
4. Lighting Round Q&A
Want to leave us a voicemail? Click here!
We just might play it on the next show! If you don't have a computer microphone, you can also download the SpeakPipe app for iPhone or iPad and leave a message that way. Remember to leave your name, where you are from and your question/discussion topic in under a minute to have the best chance of being played on the show!
Have a thought about the show?
Rate us in iTunes! It helps us out a lot. :)
I know it is a little bit expensive but if you have friends that you can share to buy a high volume, then you can buy it cheaper. I also found in local stationery stores. (Em papelarias você acha um pouco mais caro sob o nome de Papel Pluma).
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* This code is designed to use a tri colored LED to generate a full spectrum *
* of colors. It will drive three discrete outputs, one RED, one GREEN and one *
* BLUE. You can choose to have the Arduino power the LEDs, or you can use the *
* outputs to drive an LED driver board. A potentiometer can be used to *
* determine the rate of change in color for all the LEDs, and each color *
* can be adjusted individually within the overall rate of change. *
* Bill Kendall aka Billbo911 and/or AkaMrBill *
const int R = 10; //Red LED connected to pin 10
const int G = 9; //Green LED connected to pin 9
const int B = 11; //Blue LED connected to pin 11
const int pot = 0;//Rate of change pot connected to Analog pin 5
int Rstep = 3; //Sets the size of change in PWM value for RED.
int Gstep = 2; //Sets the size of change in PWM value for GREEN.
int Bstep = 5; //Sets the size of change in PWM value for BLUE.
int Rval = 10; // Holds value to be outout via PWM for RED.
int Gval = 245; // Holds value to be outout via PWM for GREEN.
int Bval = 127; // Holds value to be outout via PWM for BLUE.
int LoopDelay; // Value in ms to delay the loop between passes, sets overall rate of change.
void setup ()
pinMode (R, OUTPUT);
pinMode (G, OUTPUT);
pinMode (B, OUTPUT);
void loop ()
// LoopDelay is set by reading a pot, but modifying this code
// will allow you to hard code a rate of change.
LoopDelay = analogRead (pot); //Determin delay by reading the pot
LoopDelay = map(LoopDelay, 0,1024,10,350);
analogWrite (R, Rval); //Set the PWM output value for RED
analogWrite (G, Gval); //Set the PWM output value for GREEN
analogWrite (B, Bval); //Set the PWM output value for BLUE
//Serial.println (LoopDelay);
delay (LoopDelay);
void SetLEDValues (void)
if (Rval >= 250 || Rval <= 5)
Rstep *= -1; //Reverse the direction of intensity change.
if (Gval >= 250 || Gval <= 5)
Gstep *= -1; //Reverse the direction of intensity change.
if (Bval >= 250 || Bval <= 5)
Bstep *= -1; //Reverse the direction of intensity change.
Rval += Rstep;
Gval += Gstep;
Bval += Bstep;
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Is it true for Black, Silver and White?
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