FliteTest Podcast 002 – Our First Planes!

by FliteTest | September 23, 2013 | (79) Posted in Podcasts

In this episode we talk about our very first radio control airplanes! We also talk about our favorite planes and our least favorite planes. Basically… it’s story time!

Audio Link

We also talk about our favorite video shoots for FliteTest episodes. Chad and Josh Bixler talk about some of the very, very first FliteTest shoots and Josh Scott shares some funny stories from our shoots in LA.


5 Parts:
1. Introduction- Josh Scott: Why I’m a “Noob”
2. First, Favorite and Worst Airplanes
3. First, Favorite and Worst FliteTest video shoots!
4. Upcoming News
5. Lightning Q&A Round

 We certainly want to thank everyone for such a warm welcome to the first episode. Little by little we are learning new ways to put on a better show for you! All of the feedback was read and put to good use.

 We want to thank each and every person that took the time to leave us a rating and review in iTunes. Like it was mentioned on the podcast, every rating or review you leave helps us rank better when people search for podcasts to listen to in iTunes. 

By leaving a rating or review you are helping someone who has never heard of FliteTest discover the community. Thank you for that!

Flite Test Gets Some Air Time, Only This Time on TV! - RC Groups


On this episode:
Chad Kapper
Josh Bixler
Josh Scott
David Windestal
Austin Furey


Links Mentioned 

FOX8 Live Segment 


Corey Feldman Episode 


Fiberglass Fox Episode


NEAT Fair Video Recap


"Secret" FliteTest Gremlin Channel



Rasterize on September 24, 2013
Love the Pod casts! Great to listen too while building, driving or whenever! Can't wait to see what you guys come up with for content.
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ScrapDaddy14 on September 24, 2013
Give that man a multicopter lol, I really enjoy watching you guys and now i get to listen to y'all. Can't wait til the next episode.
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Billbo911 on September 24, 2013
Watched the Neat fair episode this morning and listened to the Podcast this afternoon. I gotta say, I love the honesty and integrity represented in both. Your opinions are straight from the heart and only tempered by your desire to keep this family friendly. Well done!!!
But, I gotta say, I'm still waiting for those Neck Straps, Josh. ;)
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uberjay on September 24, 2013
You have the stereo dialed in nicely... was listening in on headphones and could have swore the two Josh's were standing on either side of me ;-).
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onemoreflite (John Michaels) on September 24, 2013
Great point. Audio is much better this time.
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dammuozz on September 24, 2013
Yes this time the audio makes it much more enjoiable! Love to listen to it while working!! Keep them coming!
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Cathead on September 25, 2013
I thought the sound was much better. Enjoyed the show as well. I like just listening to the stories and not always being bombarded by tech talk.
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Krivak957 on September 25, 2013
Warbirds Swappables!! Now THAT'S what I'm talkin' about!!!
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ITCyoy543 on September 24, 2013
When the horn honked in the podcast i got up to check my driveway.....
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cholfeltz on October 1, 2013
Seriously, These are amazing! do one a week! These are so funny, the stories just make me want to get out and fly! Entertaining, thanks for all you guys do!
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jpleaner on September 27, 2013
Hey FliteTest Team,
Loving the podcasts so far! Keeps me awake on my long drives here in Melbourne, Aus. I had a question for you. I assue that it is not just a happy coincidence that Josh Bixler and the Hobbyking Bixler share their name. How did the opportunity to have a plane named after you come about Josh?
Jason Pleaner
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apnewton on September 30, 2013
Kind of explained in the "Who is Josh Bixler?" video.
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Stu Pendas on October 6, 2013
Thanks for sharing your failures!!! I am just getting back into flying, I always love the building part of the hobby and with your swappable I am back building again, thanks so much. I am getting closer to a successful flight, so thanks and I would love to build a swappable warbird.
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Phantom65 on September 26, 2013
I never really cared about podcasts before... But Wow! I am hooked. Keep it up guys!
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RCairforce on September 25, 2013
Love the podcasts! Cant wait for the warbird swappables, the P-38 sounds especially awesome.
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cloud9photos on September 26, 2013
Love the podcast, it made my drive to work much more enjoyable!
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onemoreflite (John Michaels) on September 24, 2013
Please Never Stop doing Podcasts! They make my desk job work day much better!... as everyone in the office looks at me as I repeatedly laugh out loud with my headphones on...
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Lubis on September 26, 2013
These podcast are great! Keep it up!
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Piers283 on September 24, 2013
Great As Always, Don't Stop!
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frogs84ss on September 24, 2013
awesome guys. thanks for doing these.
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prion250 on September 25, 2013
It would be great if these podcasts were every week. Don't stress so much about the time and format. Just listening to you guys talk about what is on your mind is refreshing and entertaining!
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Neilyboy on September 26, 2013
Excellent episode. I love to have these for when I am driving around. I look forward to the next one!! Keep up the great work FT.
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robli67 on September 24, 2013
Hello guys, I have enjoyed both casts and look forward to the next one.
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Kael87 on September 26, 2013
Please ad video to podcasts it would be great too! love this new thing its really funny to heard your stories, thx
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jaxterblax on September 26, 2013
Love the new podcasts! Enjoy the banter back and forth; and the stories. Just plain fun! Good energy between all of you guys during the cast.
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apnewton on September 25, 2013
Excellent content and flow again but sound quality letting you down. Constantly distorted high volume, maybe an over reaction to the low volume on Ep 1?. Still, couldn't stop listening. Keep it up.
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Billbo911 on September 25, 2013
Noticed the same audio issues on both episodes. Maybe it's time to implement a bit of compression?
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Cathead on September 25, 2013
I think compression was added to this episode due to the volume levels not peaking every time someone laughed or spoke loudly. Simply a gain issue at this point. Much better than the first episode. They'll get it spot on before long.
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DFX2KX on October 5, 2013
First plane of mine was a Firebird, flew it for months, even though it was broken... Worst crash, Generic Trex 450, when the servo failed. Still have pieces of the rotorblades stuck in it's foam box. Don't have the heart to buy a servo and some new rotor parts, so in it's box it sits.
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baconflyer on October 13, 2013
kinda wish you had kept the ft gremlin channel secret =/
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Coilair on November 19, 2013
Nice job on the second podcast. My first rc was a Lazertoyz Lazer. Dan of Lazertoyz built me the plane and came out to the Burton fair grounds to show me how to fly it. Got a fair amount of time on it then after so many crashes I retired it.
Another reason I like the podcast is it helps us connect with you guys. Which is so important in building a relationship with your family.
Thanks, nick Coilais.

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kenton on October 28, 2013
I want the Corsair swappable! The Corsair was my first kit plane that I built. Spent hours on the thing and painted it all beautiful before ever flying it. Needless to say it never flew more than about 20 seconds at a time, and eventually got the the point where I had to declare it un-repairable anymore. A swappable Corsair might redeem some of those hard loss feelings.
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JewSlayer101 on November 27, 2013
Inquiring minds want to know, is David a homosexual? Honest question.
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Flying Fox on November 11, 2014
Josh, I love the Slow Poke Too
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aramsichord on June 8, 2015
Can you get your podcast on Google Play? Thanks.
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FoamTest on October 13, 2016
I love the quote from josh bixler "caffeine and Jesus"
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Daniel Kezar on December 6, 2017
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Daniel Kezar on December 6, 2017
yes! edf as a first plane! great idea!!
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FliteTest Podcast 002 – Our First Planes!