FliteTest Podcast 005 - Common RC Mistakes

by FliteTest | November 4, 2013 | (67) Posted in Podcasts

This podcast is brought to you by our friends at Hitec.

 Visit them at HitecRCD.com 

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Special thanks to Chris Roncaglione and Bill Blair from Whirly Bird Video for joining us!

1. Beginner Mistakes
2. Interview w/ Bill Blair from Whirly Bird Video 
3. What’s new in RC tech
4. Whats new at FliteTest
5. Lighting round Q&A

This episode of FliteTest we talk about some silly mistakes that we have made while getting started in flying RC and the building or repairing process. Hopefully we can share a few things NOT to do while flying RC and tell some good stories in the process.

Keeping away from people, being safe with props, being patient with the weather, why you shouldn’t fly with a “broken thumb”, and how to split a plane in half are amoung some of the tall tales told. 

Although mistakes are part of the hobby for experts and beginners alike, you can still learn from other people’s experiences and stories. So here are some of ours! Feel free to leave a quick story of your own in the comments below.

Hitec Aurora 9X 9-Channel Transmitter 
E-flite® Mystique® 2.9 m ARF
ParkZone Radian Pro BNF
1. FliteTest: Wildcast Episode
2. FliteTest: Bomb Drop Episode
3. FliteTest: Vertical Drag Race Episode
4. FliteTest: Night Flying Episode
5. FliteTest: Raiden vs Raidan Pro Episode
6. ParkZone: P-51D Mustang "Ferocious Frankie" 
7. HobbyKing - Pulse Jet
8. FliteTest - Old Fogey 

If you are interested in sponsoring a FliteTest podcast, email me at


ITCyoy543 on November 4, 2013
At 31:44........XD
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onemoreflite (John Michaels) on November 5, 2013
I have tears laughing so hard!!!
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wanabeRCexpert on December 11, 2016
i thought david was nice!

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Dodge on November 6, 2013
Another great podcast guys, really makes my commute much more bearable!
Longer ones sometimes seems better! =]
I think an episode showing the initial moment arises for something to full on design would be brill,

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lrussi750 on November 6, 2013
google hangout would be awesome!
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JasonEricAnderson on November 8, 2013
Google Hangout, yes please.
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Mizzster D Double-a on November 8, 2013
can you guy do a tutorial video series on how to design an air plane from the drawing to the final PDF file please?
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MrPacRaft on November 13, 2013
I have a question... i'm trying to get in to scratch building but i don't know what foam boards to use, do you guys have any tips for me?
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IbnAir23 on November 19, 2013
GOOGLE+ Hangout would be great. Im ready.
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InTheFade on November 11, 2013
Sitting here in my office trying to contain my laughter so my co-workers dont hear me... Hilarious!
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wyllsurf on November 5, 2013
Google hang out please please please(-;
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RoyBro on November 7, 2013
Yes Please.
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austinfurey on November 5, 2013
We would like to!
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wyllsurf on November 5, 2013
cool and if posable could it be on the weekend. I have school week days
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superchamp123 on November 5, 2013
me to.
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austinfurey on November 5, 2013
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SilverWolvie on November 5, 2013
yep please
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Ghost on November 24, 2013
Yea that would be a great idea!
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mboomrang on November 6, 2013
David and Josh,
You might find the following useful for your model generation:

I thought about the program when you mentioned building float planes.
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tigert10 on November 5, 2013
+1 for the Google hangout!
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keskkesk12 on November 5, 2013
Hello David

BIG respect for loosing 30 pounds!! You can be really proud of yourself.

Best regards Karl-Emil from Denmark!
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iitra on November 12, 2013
The question was asked "why is flite test so fantastic " because everyone that can joy it and you can join in, you can get the plans for free everything is affordable. Also it's not like the a flying we ve all been to one were if your not a member they won't help you or give you a hand to get started so your first experance isn't very expensive and heart braking as you watch your plane explode into million bits
It because even as a beginner you feel like you have a big brother helping you out in every way, this is why flite test is going so well all of you guys at flite test in front and behind the seens are an asset the the RC family because you love the hobby or as I say RC addiction
You can tell the love you all have for this hobby and as a father of a 2 half year old I have started to pass that on to my son and it already has given me experance s with my boy that I ll remember to the day I die so THANK YOU ALL keep up the fantastic work viewer for life Artii And Ollie

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MrPacRaft on November 13, 2013
I have a tips for your podcast. If its not to much of a problem can you include a video of you guys talking? Like a single camera capturing all of you. That would be cainda nice! You can still record the sound of you guys talking and upload it to itunes and stuff but the video can be exlusive for your webpage.
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Jetjock on November 11, 2013
Please do a google + hangout, love watching and listening to every episode and podcast of flitetest, My dad has been flying for 40+ years, I only started 3 years ago and have flown almost everythingg, from heli to jet turbine
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onemoreflite (John Michaels) on November 5, 2013
23:00 Never laughed so hard listening to a podcast... :D
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Dire_R/C on November 5, 2013
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rcflights on November 6, 2013
where do you get your foam from
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ghostrider03z on November 13, 2013
Guys, keep doing your podcasts. Now I really hate using the whole age thing but being 14, I have these downloaded on my phone and listen to them on the bus and its awesome, I learn so much from them even though I've been in the hobby for three years. I didn't have any homework tonight so I listened to the trappy podcast, which was awesome btw. I always liked trappy but like him a lot more now after listening. He never got to sit down with anyone and just talk for 2 hours about all the questions people have asked him. Very awesome
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mmerry2 on November 14, 2013
I got a suggestion for you. If you can't bring guests into the studio for a podcast, why not try getting someone on the phone or skype? I would like to hear from Dave Herbert (NightFlyyer) and Bruce Simpson (RCModelReviews and xjet).
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doensi on November 14, 2013
the time after David will leave seems to be called A.D. (after David)
Anyway. I would like to know which kind of machines you are using for cutting foamboard and all you stuff. Laser-cutter? Where are you getting all your stuff.
And beside your mustache challange you should do some more challanges (without crashing your aircrafts and copter :-) ) I found this one: Hand launch golf contest:
You are awesome
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mboomrang on November 5, 2013
Your sound quality has been improving considerably. I feel very proud to be one of your earliest listeners. I am an "older guy", sixty-one, that you are making feel young again following my new hobby. Thanks again for a great YouTube channel, web site and podcast, etc.
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austinfurey on November 5, 2013
Thanks for your support :)
We learn a little more each time about audio!
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earthsciteach on November 5, 2013
Haaa haaaa!!!! I also had a coach approach me and a student at a local park with the same complaint about distracting the kids!

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Nick.v on November 7, 2013
Great podcast. Need to find some foam board in Australia to get stared on some scratch builds.
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RCbacon on November 6, 2013
What do we want? Google hangout! When do we want it? In a close future :D
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MrPacRaft on November 13, 2013
GOOGLE Hangout, YES PLZ!!! =D
GOOGLE Hangout, YES PLZ!!! =D
GOOGLE Hangout, YES PLZ!!! =D
GOOGLE Hangout, YES PLZ!!! =D
GOOGLE Hangout, YES PLZ!!! =D
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timmerflyer on November 5, 2013
please google hang out and possibly a live podcast like the crash cast and maybe even giveaways???
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Kael87 on November 6, 2013
for sure !!!

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keskkesk12 on November 5, 2013
Question: Where is Davids home in the USA? Do you live at Chad, or in your own house
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rogerjiangcf on November 7, 2013
Bruce reviewed the hk pulse jet. Would like to see it working soon!!!
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RCFaab on November 9, 2013
you guys should try to make the planes from the game crimson skies into RC-planes, that should be really awesome. I searched my *ss off trying to find plans for those planes but could only find people on the forums who talked about it. would be really cool to try.
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Kurt0326 on November 13, 2013
YES GOOGLE + Hangout
YES GOOGLE + Hangout
YES GOOGLE + Hangout

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zryanz on November 14, 2013
YES i vote for google hangout!
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mmerry2 on November 14, 2013
Hey, when is flitetest.com going to stop being called "beta"? Love the podcasts. Keep them coming.
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joann69 on November 5, 2013
I am so excited about the Fogey becoming a speed built kit. I have been hoping and hoping that this would happen. I love the idea of a google cast. Please do it.
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GFergy on November 5, 2013
It's funny, I saw that pulse jet at Hobby King and the first thing I thought was, 'I wonder what David would do with one of these?' Lol
Oh and +1 for the Google hangout (though I don't know what that means!) ;-)
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cpo on November 5, 2013
Great idea with the Google+ hangouts. I have been running CPO Heli Hangouts for the last few months (every other Friday) and they have been fun and informative. As far as I know, I am the only one doing them at the moment. It would be good to see more use of that technology. Perhaps one (or more) of you would like to join one of my hangouts!? I have special guests every so often. Granted...it's focused on helis, but that's because that's where I was in the hobby when I started them. : ) Feel free to check them out...and the next one is this Friday.

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RoyBro on November 5, 2013
Hey guys, I suggested the Flying Toasters After Dark thing way back in may in the forums.


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Jsut210 on November 6, 2013
I have the same story! I went to fly my first plane, crashed it, then quit for a while. Went to nitro and electric cars for a while but now I'm back! Just getting started with some scratch builds!
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rtp70 on November 8, 2013
Really enjoyed the helpful advice about the hobby knife protection. I have installed the tie wrap around my testicles but am having trouble understanding how this will provide proper protection from the hobby knife. ..........LOL! Really enjoy the Pod Casts guys. Keep up the great work!
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Johan on November 4, 2013
Ah, we are spoiled today: great episode AND a podcast :-)
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SilverWolvie on November 4, 2013
Awesome pod cast greetz and god bless from the Netherlands

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angus on November 5, 2013
When are the new plans going on line? Can't wait. Want to see these old style planes.
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austinfurey on November 5, 2013
The Old Fogey plans are already up. The partner airplane plans should be up in the coming weeks.
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onemoreflite (John Michaels) on November 5, 2013
Great as usual! sound is perfect now!
The first thing I do once i complete a new, clean, pristine build is to scuff, dent and put a scratch on it! Why you ask? Well, then I won't be so nervous or worried about keeping it perfect anymore and the first flight is soooo much more fun and successful without the worry!

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jollyswagman on November 6, 2013
David, when I think about you leaving FT I rrreeeeeeeeeeally want to cry, the very thought is hooooooorrrrrible!
On the other hand it'd be great if you have time to retry your ultra-high altitude RC flight again..
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Mizzster D Double-a on November 10, 2013
can you talk or explain about flitetest Argentina? who are they, and why they are using flitetest theme?
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Mohanned on March 8, 2014
Can I use Autodesk 3ds max to design my plane
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G-cat on December 18, 2013
Keep up the good work guys. I'm really enjoying the podcasts!! G
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PC-MD65 on June 11, 2014
Yes YEs and YES to a google hangout..
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Daniel Kezar on December 6, 2017
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Daniel Kezar on December 6, 2017
2:00 i think now it is a tossup between Josh B and Stefan for highest voice...
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FliteTest Podcast 005 - Common RC Mistakes