Influence 25%
Join Date Jan 24, 2013
Articles 2
Well, I think it's pretty obvious that I have a passion for pretty much anything RC, but more specifically in the aviation part of it. I also Love full scale flight, I've been fortunate enough to have friends that I have been able to fly with, but I just can't get enough. My other passion is for the outdoors, I have spent much time on the Appalachian Trail, and on the local rivers doing multi day trips.
I stand up for what I believe, value family ties and personal relationships, and love the country I am in, though we currently are not making the best decisions and I do not stand behind many of the things that our government supports. I come from a rather large family by today's standards, and have 5 siblings. I have been home educated most of my life and now am in my sophomore year of college majoring in computer science. I am proud to have been brought up in the home institution as it has taught me more than I ever could have learned in a public school system. Even though I never had "real" teachers, I taught myself out of books and curriculum since around the 5th grade, and am now ahead of most people my age in the college I attend. I attribute this to the work ethic that my parents instilled into me at a young age, and the fact that I had to do everything on my own, and by my own will. My parents have never bought anything except the essentials that I needed, and anything beyond that has had to come out of my own pocket. I got a "real" job when i was 14, became a manager at 16, and have held that position since. I bought my first car before I even had a license. I got involved in this hobby in the summer of 2012 and have moved quickly up from a noob, though, I still have many noob moments and learn something new every time I spend time with experienced flyers, and try to learn the most that I possibly can. I love to learn and hear the stories of the "old-timers" earlier days with free flight and rubber band escapements. The only thing that upsets me is how there are not many people my age in this hobby, I only know one that's close to my age. I would love to be able to start a program at a local school to get some more kids involved in the hobby.
I do know that however long I will be in this hobby, I will be learning new things every day, and not only things that apply to RC, but to life, and enjoy every up and down of it!