slodering fume extractor

by Yaakov Biton | November 15, 2014 | (0) Posted in Projects

This is chip and easy to build soldering fume extractor i just made a air tanel from foam board around tow 80mm 12v old computer fan its extract the fume from the solder out of your face

what you need to build this :

1 or 2 fans (for more suction power)

foam board 

hot glue


and 12v battery 

you can watch the video down below to see how it works

amd this is the man that give me the idea


Bjarkix2 on November 16, 2014
That is a great idea! for at version 2, if you added a thing cloth layer at the end of the square box, and a fan on the other side to help air pushing through the cloth, all of the solder would get stuck in the cloth. Then you could change the cloth once every month or so. Filtered ftw
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Yaakov Biton on November 16, 2014
thankyou !! i will remember your suggestion for v2
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shermanhartman on November 23, 2014
If you do make a v2, use carbon sheets (the one used in fish tank filters) the carbon will actually filter the chemicals from the air, rather than just catching them like the cloth would.
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Gryf on November 15, 2014
Cool idea, Yaakov! I may just try something like that. Thanks!
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slodering fume extractor