Easy Simple and a clean looking way to easy solder your T-Plugs on!
Step 1: Take the circular 3mm banana plug lookin things your get with your motors/ Esc's.
Step 2:Take the Banana plug and the T-Plug and squish the larger side flat onto the T-Plug
Step 3: Soldering the Banana Plug to the T-Plugs and the Banana Plug onto the Wire!!!
It is as easy as that! Look at what I get and I hate soldering deans on without these now!
Look how clean this is! I ahte soldering deans on becuase you get solder everywhere and sometimes they do not stay on also sometimes you get some much solder everywhere that the positive and negative just touch each other. Not with this!! I know you can buy some but technicaly this is free becuase you are reusing this for a different purpose!
Enjoy, Like and Comment!
Besides the vibration, improper electrical connection might cause sparks (electrons which jumps between air gaps), this will produce high amount of heat, even might cause fire to occur. Therefore it is recommended to have regular maintenance to the model after long hours of flight. Cheers.
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