I have decided to share my experimental cockpits for the Baby Blender scratch build plane. I have been playing arround putting together high resolution cockpits that were compiled from different planes and have different look and feel, I hope you might find it useful for your Baby Blender! There are 3 different versions and each one has another similar one for the back pilot section, so 6 total on a single sheet of paper.
Here are the steps:
Step 1 : Download PDF here
Step 2: Print
For Mac users, use Preview and make sure to use scale:100% in settings. For PC, users you should have an option to print original size without scaling. For this PDF you need to use letter size paper, the heavier the better. I used 200lb cover stock for mine.
Step 3: Cut Along the Graphics
Use the X-acto or scissors to cut around the cockpit you want. For mine, my favorite is the last one. Fold along the edges between graphics and rectangles.
Step 4: Glue that baby Down to that Baby! :)
I glue up the top part first so it is a lot easier to just push the lower part later. I use standard paper glue. The graphics is made in a way that it is meant to be glued at angle so don't force it too much, if you followed Josh's plans closely, it should be a nice and tight fit!
Step 5: Enjoy your Baby!
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Keep up the great work!!!!!!!!!!!
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