The Baby Blender Biplane is a smaller version of the original large scale Scratch Build Blender RC airplane and it's also the 4th installment of the swappable series!
Swappable Series Scratch built foam board airplanes are designed with a interchangeable fuselage/power pod!
If you purchased a Speed Build Swappable Kit from our Web Store you will want to watch the build video for the Baby Blender V2 - Speed Build Kit.
There's also a bunch more photos in the forum post! Check it out and join in on the discussion!

Build Plans Available here:
All in One Baby Blender Plans
TIP for printing the plans:
To print "tiled" use Adobe Reader XI and in the print dialog select "POSTER", select "Cut Marks" and make sure "Tile Scale" is 100%. Then overlap and tape as required (after trimming the top overlapping edge).
(Thanks youtuber larrybarrick for this suggestion!)
Equipment used in this build:
NTM Prop Drive Series 28-26A 1200kv / 250w
TURNIGY Plush 25amp Speed Controller
Turnigy 1300mAh 4S 20C Lipo Pack
Linkage Stopper "Speed Clevis"
.81mm piano wire (push rods)
Futaba T8FG Super 14ch Transmitter w/R6208SB 2.4GHz Receiver
Futaba R6106HFC 2.4GHz FASST Mid Range 6Ch Rx
Additional/Alternate components:
Suppo 2208/14 1450kv Brushless Motor (Park 370 equiv.)
APC-style Electric Propeller - 8x4E
Suppo 18A Brushless ESC
Suppo SP-90 9g Micro Servo
To watch the Baby Blender Biplane Review go here:

If you purchased a Speed Build Swappable Kit from our Web Store you will want to watch the build video for the Baby Blender V2 - Speed Build Kit.
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Going flying as soon as the weather breaks.
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I am also going to build one in 6mm Depron with a 250W 1500Kv motor.
Happy landings everybody!
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A request; how about plans for a 4 channel low wing trainer/sport plane using this power pod? Thanks again.
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Great instructional video. Great looking planes. Great idea for the swappable series. I liked this video so much that I've built two of the Baby Blender Bipes, one for me & one for my son, in the last week. Two more on the way, one for my father and another for me just to have a different paint scheme. I maidened the first one last week and with a few clicks to trim her out she's awesome! The second one "Baby Blender Baby Two" is set up per your 4s recommendations. Let me say this...she be bad. I maidened her in 10+ mph winds this morning, cause I couldn't wait, and she handled beautifully. She can be flown fast or slow, high or low and she floats like a feather and can turn on a dime. The winds being 10+ on the second flight she elevator'ed in and sat down on the runway. Again, thank you so much for this, I can't remember having so much fun flying...and to think only $3.00 worth of foam and I'm pretty sure ready to fly, not including receiver, she came in at $47.00. Not bad my friend...not bad. To everyone else thinking about building this plane...stop thinking and get to it.
P.S. where can I post a pic or 10 of my Baby Blender Babies?
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Keep up the great work!
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Just wanted to pass it along.
Thanks Josh. plan to build a few Bloody wonders and Blenders till the snow melts,I might put some ski's on if I get board.
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Since I can't find the foam board you mention in Germany (so far I found 2 companies that make something similar: in the UK and their sister company in Germany, but only sell to companies apparently) I'm using High density 5mm Depron ( that so far is working pretty good.
I am doing some mods to this model, I wanted t know if someone tried to close the lower part of the fuselage? So far Ive closed the rear area, and planing to make a hatch in tha front. Also, I'm thinking of reinforcing the Landing gear support with a 1mm plywood. The last mod I have in mind is to glass most of the plane with 25 gr fiber and polyurethane acrylic after the experience I got with glassing my EZstar. Anyone tried any of this?
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