Old Fogey Coupé

by nickatredbox | March 9, 2013 | (0) Posted in Just Fun

Old Fogey Coupé

Dropped the wing removed some of the lower fuse that was damaged in a bad landing. Lost 50 grams in the process and the wheels which are no good at our field.


The angle of incidence remains the same as the plans. I'm hoping  the lowering of the wing relative to the thrust line will reduce the nose up tendency with power.

If the wind ever stops blowing  I will fly it


















Adib Vahedi on March 17, 2013
Wow looks great to me!

Keep up the great work!!!!!!!!!!!
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nickatredbox on March 17, 2013
Thanks man. I hope the lifting of the thrust line vertically will make it less nose up when you apply power. Someone else recommended extending the fuselage 100 mm aft saying it made the plane handle much better.

Need to find time and weather to fly it now, had one attempt but it was way to gusty. It survived unbroken so I will fly it again on a better day
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SoarSyd on March 10, 2013
Perhaps you should try a little downthrust on your motor
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nickatredbox on March 11, 2013
How many degrees would you recommend?
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SoarSyd on March 16, 2013
No expert I am afraid. I would just try a degree at a time until you get the right balance. Some tips on here about downthrust and sidethrust you could check out.
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Old Fogey Coupé