FT Old Fogey Swappable - Scratch Build

by FliteTest | December 5, 2012 | (90) Posted in How To


The FT Old Fogey (old timer) scratch built foam board airplane is another addition to the Flite Test Swappable Fuselage Series! 

Start with the wing and be sure to note that the wing tip will have a slight curve cut in it. This will create the polyhedral angle in the wing when you glue it.


Use the small triangles as a template for your leading edge angle.

Be sure there are not gaps in your wing tips when you glue them. 

When glueing on the second wing tip, have your Swedish friend measure the height of the first tip (from the table) and make sure it's the same.

Chad has a cool tip for creating stronger hinges. Simply spread hot glue into the foam area of your crease and allow to cool. This will create a rubber-like hinge and help keep your paper from tearing.


If you purchased the Old Fogey Speed Build Kits, there will be a few extra steps in your Old Fogey Build process.

The first step is to glue the center of the fuselage. This score cut was added to fit the Old Fogey into a standard sized shipping box and it also ads extra strength to the fuselage.

Squeegy away the excess with a scrap piece of foam, and continue with the build as usual. 

This plane is primarily going to use B-style folds. Where the sides will push against the bottom plate. Be sure to watch the plans for when you will be setting up the A or B folds.

When cutting out your old timer, make all the straight cuts first then go back to cut out the smaller notches.

The other difference with the Speed Build Kit version of the Old Fogey, is the added control rod guides, made of foam. This will clean up the inside of the fuselage and keep the control rod from flexing.

Start by spreading out the gaps in the foam to allow the control rods to move freely. Use a BBQ skewer or semi - sharp object increase the gap of the score cuts. Repeat on both pieces.

After that, insert the control rods. Make sure the z-bent end is at the tail section.

Make sure that the rod travels freely throughout the cavity.

Once you are sure that the rod travels freely, apply a single piece of tape over the opening on both.

Bend at the crease and to fit to the inside of the fuselage. Line it up with the fuselage etched guide. 

Apply glue to the side that has the opening for the control rod and place on the appropriate side of the Fuselage.

Poke additional holes for the BBQ skewers that will hold the wing on with rubber bands. Continue with the rest of the build video. 

The servo tray will be using an A-style fold where the sides will sit on the bottom plate. The power pod is an A-style fold design, in case there's any confusion.

Run your push rods through some tubing or straws and be sure to glue them so there's no binding on your servos.

Run your push rods through the slot in the back to your control horns.

Another cool trick to mount your wheels is to wrap hot glue around the end of the piano wire and when it cools it will create a rubber stopper that will keep your wheel on!


More photos available in the forum!

Build plans:
FT Old Fogey details 1of4.pdf
FT Old Fogey Fuse Plans 2of4.pdf
FT Old Fogey Landing Gear 3of4.pdf
FT Old Fogey Wing Plans 4of4.pdf



rogerjiangcf on December 6, 2012
I have the same problem. Can't print to the right size plan on A4 paper. Need helppppp
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RC Everything on December 6, 2012
To print "tiled" use Adobe Reader X and in the print dialog select "POSTER", select "Cut Marks" and make sure "Tile Scale" is 100%. Then overlap and tape as required (after trimming the top overlapping edge).
(Thanks youtuber larrybarrick for this suggestion!)
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florigami on August 2, 2014
but how do we print it on a4
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RC Everything on August 2, 2014
Hi Florigami

Refer to the settings in my above post, select the option as mentioned. Select paper type as A4. Then it will print the plan in multiple A4 copies. You need to overlap those print out and tape them together to form the actual size of the old forgey. Cut out the plan and use it as a template on the form board.
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Lindil on August 23, 2016
i cant even access the plans it tells me to login when i already have anyone know whats going on?
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ItWorkedForMe on December 12, 2012
Can I use this?

Turnigy d2826-6 2200kv
1300 mah 2s 25c
8x4 prop
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dadi3 on December 6, 2012
Yay, I can see next swappable scratch build in the back (unpainted acro thing on the wall :)
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flyboy07 on December 6, 2012
I noticed that also. Looks exciting!!!
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dz1sfb on December 6, 2012
This was a very well done instructional video. Josh, your a fast talker. Did you guys do that all in one take? LOL :D
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nickatredbox on December 20, 2012
So whats the take off weight?
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Fly'n-V on December 26, 2012
Great build video...almost done building my own! Keep the swapables coming!
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rc flyer on December 7, 2012
grate plane guys
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Homestump on December 8, 2012
Awesome addition to the swappable series!! I have a question though. What size is the motor? I know Josh said the esc was 18 amp, and the motor was a Suppo, but he didnt mention the KV rating on the motor.
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Mirabile Visu on December 6, 2012
Two great ideas there : Using hot glue as wheel collets, and using bamboo as a tail skid. My other Swappables are wearing at the rear, and the bamboo will stop that.
Excellent video - I love the air to air photography. The videos just keep getting better and better.

By the way, aren't there 28 grams to the ounce? There are in England, not sure about in the USA, where measurements are sometimes different.

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tramsgar on December 6, 2012
Well, the french put an end to that confusion in 1799. Just waiting for the stragglers to catch on... ;-)
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cragun1022 on January 19, 2013
Cool plane I hope to build one soon.
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Rally2 on December 5, 2012
Already started. Thanks for another great plane.
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tramsgar on December 6, 2012
Is the Swedish friend included in the box?
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liveyourdreamsRC on December 6, 2012
Look at the one in the backround I think it is the next one! low wing something. Looks great! Hi dave!!!
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btallis on December 6, 2012
Excellent build video. I really like this style of "swappable" because it looks more like a "real" plane vs the Delta, etc.

Definitely going to start building this one. Video was great, very informative. You guys make it look very easy.

Also liked the Friendly-Swede cameo. :)
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Nick5 on December 16, 2012
Just want to say what a great "job" flitetest do! Josh and Josh are brill.
Love the scratch builds!
Eagerly await all there videos.
Nice one Chad.
Cheers from the UK.
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nickatredbox on January 14, 2013
Does anyone know its all up weight?
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KD9SR on December 16, 2012
Your link to Adobe Reader is to CNet - a site known to include crapware with downloads. Consider changing your link to Adobe's site.
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gailenjensen on December 5, 2012
Sweet! I gotta get get busy building. I'm a few behind.

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dz1sfb on December 6, 2012
Oh yeh, loved the excellent air to air shots as well.

Ken :)
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jack on December 6, 2012
hey .. does any one know how to print the plans ? caz in my computer it only prints them on one A4

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redboy on December 6, 2012
The instructions on this video and the details in the plan have made it to the point that I am ready to take the build plunge. Plus owning a print shop and a case of 4'x8' foam means I can screw up all day long!

Just curious which Suppo motor that is?
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MrClean on December 7, 2012
It IS always important to save weight. Lighter flys better. But it's 28.3 grams per ounce not 3 grams per ounce. Don't know if there was a blip in the video editing, script or what as part of the number is there. So basically a little over three 8 gram sticks per ounce for glue.
If you want to make it really light as far as glue try one of the expanding poly U glues. You'll need to wet the glue first and then apply a fine bead THEN block and let it setup. They sell a 1 hour version that is set in 5-10 minutes and as hard as it will get in an hour. Best just to scrape the hot glue and try to be a bit frugal while applying.
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jrbemis on January 20, 2013
Great build video.

I have had a couple of issues with the wing attachments. Mounting and dismounting the wing for connecting the battery has caused the bamboo skewer to pull out and tear out the foam side wall.

Is it better to hot glue the skewer in place? Is it better to back the skewer hole with packing tape and more foam. Same problem is occuring in the area of the skewer holding the electronics shelf in the fuse.
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majik53 on March 17, 2013
Especially after an (ahem) hard landing... my skewers fell out because those holes get pretty big. Now, since the advantage of having a swappable is ease of removal and installation in another project -- hot gluing the skewers in might be not the way to go, except as a last resort, or permanently fix that pod in the plane.

My opinion would be to maybe run a ring of glue around the hole (lightest weight option?), then put packing tape over the holes on both sides of the foam board before painting. Should make the holes last a little longer. or... glue plastic, or small metal flat washers over the holes..? That would be stronger, but would add more weight.

I'm working on a scratchbuilt swappable flying lawnmower, will post the plans as soon as I get the prototype flying and stable.
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majik53 on March 17, 2013
Shoot... where is my head? drill a hole in a popsicle stick.... and glue it over the skewer holes.
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sniffer101 on January 7, 2014
Hello use old gift cards and glue them inside the power pod drilling a whole for the skewers
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nickatredbox on February 4, 2013
Whats your take off weight if you don't mind me asking?
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DaveBluetard on February 27, 2013
Aww.... I don't have a Swedish Friend either.... I guess no more running around yelling Hoi.... sniff, sniff.
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majik53 on March 17, 2013
Nope, no Swedish friend... OR a Flite Test cutting mat.... where can I get one of THOSE? (probably less costly than a Swedish friend...
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dickrar on March 19, 2013
I have just logged on and, vrankly, I am at a loss about how to get the plans for Old Fogey, how to pay for them;let alone order them, and, what is the cost. Lastly I have all kinds of Adobe'sbut not an Adobe-X. Is that really necessary?
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RJM16 on March 30, 2013
there free and yes you will need any thing that can open PDF files. you can find the plans just under the last picture
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dickrar on March 19, 2013
Forgot to ask about the plans for the swabable power system.
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RJM16 on March 30, 2013
you will find the plans for the power pod in the swappable delta project on this website

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RJM16 on March 30, 2013
I have 1 sheet of A3 size foam board would this be enough for this build or would I need more, I have already built a power pod/folded fuselage
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RJM16 on March 31, 2013
A1 not A3
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jujitsuboy76 on April 4, 2013
What is the measurement on the tip of the wing tips to the base of the wing. I think I made my dihedral to high which makes the plane "Dutch Roll" sway side two side. I'm considering building the wings again and want a rough measurement in what's working for others.
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Cortes Gary on May 22, 2013
Hi jujitsuboy, I had the same problem. My initial dihedral measurement was about 3" or 7.5 cm measured to the top of the foam board. I cut the tips off and re-glued them so they measured 2" or about 5 cm. Not too pretty but it does fly an awful lot easier and the rolling stopped. Its now a great slow flying plane.
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constantinos.hadjipieras on April 14, 2013
I have build the Old Fogey and flied it last Saturday. I am an experience scratch builder and honestly I have found the plans and the instructions one of the best ever came accross.

Eventhough after flying I have realised that first my motor ( turborix BL2215/25 ) was too much. Secondly the dihedral of about 9.5cm on the wing tips is too much and creates a pentilum effect which makes control of the plane a bit difficult. I am going to try a new wing with less dihedral abou 5cm or even less to check the effects. Please advice if you have any comments or suggestion on that issue.

Thanks for all, keep up the good work.
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Cortes Gary on May 22, 2013
Hi, the 5cm worked for me.
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ringo42 on May 16, 2013
I built mine and used the turnigy park 300 motor. The problem is that the motor is so short when you try to put a prop on it the prop hits the front of the plane. I had to mount the motor on standoffs to get it to work.

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NoUsername on June 7, 2013
Will the swappable speed build kit for the Ft Old Fogey be available soon?
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rcmaster17 on June 10, 2013
make a speed build old fogey kit.
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G650SAV on June 11, 2013
Silly question' but how is everyone transferring the printed plans to the foam board??
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kendallb23 on June 12, 2013
Hi G650SAV - I use Loctite spray adhesive. It's available at Walmart in the arts and craft section. Just lightly spray the back of the plans an position it on the foam board.
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rcmaster17 on June 26, 2013
where the speed build kit for old fogey at.
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joann69 on June 30, 2013
My Old Fogey was completed about 2 weeks ago and she finally got in the air this morning. Even though the wind of blowing with gusts, she managed to stay in the air. She soared with no power with the wind pushing her around and then gave her some power and up she climbed. Her speed was just what I was looking for even though I didn't actually fly her but I did build her. Thank so much for a wonderful slow flyer. Please continue your designing for us that love to build scratch airplanes out of foamboard.
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Mayhem on July 25, 2013
What it the spec of the foam i require please?
Martin (UK)
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apnewton on September 24, 2013
As light as possible. RL Adams 5mm(US) or depron 6mm. Most art foam board here in AUS are twice the weight and my ld Fogey is too heavy to fly at the moment.
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danield on August 14, 2013
Are you going to do a speed build kit for old fogey ? I'm waiting.
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gsgraber92 on August 17, 2013
I've enjoyed your site so much and have watch about every FT Swappable video and many others. Just finished building my Old Fogey last night! I took her out to the field today. I am a beginner by the way. I have only flown minimally years ago. All 2 stroke nitro planes. This is my first EP and I have to say I thoroughly enjoyed myself. Not one crash or mishap. I even handed my TX over to my 9yr old son. We had a blast flying the Old Fogey! It was a great first plane. I love the fact that I built it and for less than $5. It was so much fun to build and fly with him. He is ready to build his own now! We love the swappables! The prospect of being able to step into another plane by just moving the pod over is an awesome! Looking forward to more designs. Keep it up guys! You have more fans!!!
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giokat on September 24, 2013
Hi everyone! really nice, great plane!
I wonder if adding ailerons would make sense.... what's your opinion guys?
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ccrawford on September 28, 2013
I've built the Old Fogey, and I have to admit it's not one of my favorites. Ailerons may make it a little more manageable, but I would look to the Spitfire or Racer for a better performing 4-channel model.

But, I'd say go for it, and let us know how it works!
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giokat on September 24, 2013
Can Depron replace Readi-board?
The inner of readi-board is made in XPS (extruded polystirene) which is exactly the same material of Depron. Readi-boaad is XPS coated with craft paper of some film, I figured out that Depron coated with a self-adhesive plastic film may work the same... but I have no idea of the weight. Has anyone tried, or thought about, to build such a 'home made readi-board' with depron ?
I'm curious...
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giokat on October 4, 2013
Hy guys, what should be the weight of the Old Fogey? Adams boards are not imported here in Europe, so I'm going to use coroplast and some plywood for the fuselage and depron, probably reinforced someway, for the wings. Crazy idea probably.... but it is worth a try... I hope!
Regards, Giorgio
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giokat on October 9, 2013
...so, no one has an answer about the weight?
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mattbraunky on October 12, 2013
I built an Old Fogey and the weight is 1.125 pounds or 18 ounces or 510 grams. Is this too heavy? I had to add considerable weight in the front to get the center of gravity correct. It doesn't stay in the air, and I'm not sure if the problem is that it is too heavy or my prop is wrong (8-4.5)?
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giokat on October 15, 2013
Questions about weight have been posted several times but no answer...
Hey guys where are you?
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Ron B on November 16, 2013
how much fly time is there on these 2 batteries the 2s and the 3s?
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jmac2194 on November 25, 2013
I am really looking forward to doing this build, it looks like it will be a lot of fun, but can anyone tell me what board thickness is needed?
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giokat on November 29, 2013
Adam boards are 5 mm thick, but they cannot be found here in Europe.
I built my one with 6 mm Depron, tomorrow I'm going to make it fly for the first time...
Hoping that it will fly :-) I will let you know!
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jmac2194 on November 30, 2013
Ok thanks, let me know how the 6 mm works for you.
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giokat on December 2, 2013
It worked! It flew for the first time last Saturday here in Rome :-)
I need to move the CG, it is too behind.
I made the fuselage in coroplast with some depron reinforcement, wings and stabilizer are made in depron 6mm. I didn't reproduce the 'power pod' exacly as from the plans, I made a simple box with balsa and plywood.
Unfortunately it seems that I cannot post pictures here...
Regards, Giorgio
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giokat on December 2, 2013
Some pictures on Flickr, hope that the link works:

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Finn on January 4, 2014
This is for Giokat.
Try and see if they can help.
They are from England
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giokat on January 9, 2014
Thank you! But they are too expensive... Waiting for someone to import foamboards to Italy ... ;-)
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giokat on January 17, 2014
For those who live in Italy, I've just found an art craft shop near Rome that sells foam boards. I'm afraid this could be off topic, but many people here are interested in building these models and foam boards is quite a new material here, so I thought that this could be useful info.
The shop is called Agostinelli Arte and is located in Dragona, near Rome.
Prices range from 5,60 Euro to 32 Euro(!) it depends on the size and other characteristics.
There are other shops in northern Italy that sells foam boards too.
Feel free to delete this post if you think it is off topic...
Liks here:


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Timelord101 on December 21, 2013
Great work on this one!!
Flies great!
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Lbarringer on January 17, 2014
Don't get there Turnigy Park300 it's NOT the right motor for this. The shaft is too short, cannot be moved and the motor mount it comes with is too short for this design. Also non of the props recommended fit on it.

Also PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE respond. Mine in CRAZY tail heavy. I've added weight to the nose, but A LOT of weight. Do you guys ever have to add weight to the nose? In the video it looks like your's balanced out perfectly without any additional weights.

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giokat on January 19, 2014
My Old Fogey flies decently and I have a lot of fun with it. My one weights approx. 320 grams in total. I had to add weight to the nose to make it balanced. I use a 1000ma 3S lipo pack weighting appr. 70 grams. Moreover, I added 15 grams more on the nose; for this last one I used the ballast that can be normally found inside a PC mouse... ;-) -
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schuttkerk@yahoo.com on February 22, 2016
I am very new to this, about 4 months. I have built several FT scratch builds. After building two Abram's Tank style FT-22's I have become neurotic regarding the amount of hot glue I use aft of the CG. My Old Fogey balanced at the wing break with a 1300 3 cell about 1" back from the front of the power pod. Maiden flight, it flew extremely well. I got it trimmed up and flew it hands-off at about 5 feet off the ground the length of the football field. (A2212/13T 1000kv motor with 10x4.5 prop.) An absolute joy for a newbie.Of course, trying to fly it through the goal post, I hit the upright and nosed in. What I did was to reinforce the nose in the same manner that the full sized Sportster is reinforced. That will help the hard landings. I mention it here, because it may give you the nose weight you are looking for in a way that is functional to the air frame. I hate to put on dead weight to balance an airplane. I hope this is helpful.
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schuttkerk@yahoo.com on February 22, 2016
I reinforced the nose after my maiden flights.

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ryang on February 12, 2014
Should there be any thrust angle for the old fogey?
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giokat on February 12, 2014
On my one I had to angle a little bit the motor towards right, I haven't measured the angle...
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ryang on February 12, 2014
What about prop Im going to be using the hextronkic 27gm motor with 1300 mah 2 cell. The flite test store page sudggests a Slow Fly 9X4.7. But the build page suggests 8X4 prop. Thanks for the help.
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tannman102802 on March 2, 2014
you guys need to make tiled plans for this plane. don't have a working overhead projector.if you could, it would be great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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ccupp2 on March 25, 2014
Well, I like my Old Fogey. However, like others, I definitely had to use a heavier battery on it to keep it from being tail heavy. Here's a link to it in action:

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giokat on March 31, 2014
Very nice plane and flight!
Also in my case I needed to use a 1000mAh battery put in the very front of the powerpod.
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iflyoften on May 8, 2014
Now that the weather in Michigan has changed, this bird is wonderful to fly. I tried to fly it indoors at a soccer arena and failed miserably. This Old Fogey has taken a beating and still flies. It is my go to plane when I need confidence.
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rcpak on October 10, 2014
hi, print "tiled" pdf plan FT Old Fogey
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Jusn on January 24, 2015
The Speedbuild page ( http://store.flitetest.com/ft-old-fogey-speed-build-kit/ ) says you need 4 servos. But a 3-channel plan with an ESC should only need two, right? Looked like only two were used in the video... what are the extra two servos for?
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chrisladon6 on February 3, 2015
How do you print the old fogey plans?
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terrguin on April 26, 2015
It's great looking little plane the old fogey like me but whats the chance you guys can change it to tiled 8 1/2 x 11 have no way of printing out 20x30
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Alex O on June 7, 2015
Hi! I´m currently building my first Old Fogey and was watching the Old Fogey Face-Off review from May 20th. There you mentioned that the newer speed-build-kits use a bigger rudder. Are there plans with this bigger rudder available or does someone know how much I have to alter the rudder the get decent flight characteristics?
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gpr4505@aol.com on November 28, 2015
The build plans do get the job done but would be at least a couple light years better if they could be printed in tile format. Even the AMA publications now offer tiled printing and they watch their money pretty carefully. Ever since Adobe slammed the door on this feature my work area is buried in stacks of paper which works until the title sheet gets misplaced. I could blame the cat but she hates the smell of glues. Am guessing that this build comes out tail heavy so will watch where the weight goes as it takes shape to avoid adding weights.
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Amiy on November 30, 2015
Which type of foam sheet does it required?
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schuttkerk@yahoo.com on February 21, 2016
Maiden flight of my Old Fogey today. What a fun day. It flies great. I am a newbie so I don't fly great. I read that the scratch build was tail heavy, but, I went with the CG at the break as recommended. It flew great. When I got it trimmed up, it flew the length of the football field hands free. About 5 feet off the ground for 300 feet without touching the controls. Amazing! Everything went great until I tried to fly through the goal post, because Josh Bixler says we shouldn't just fly around in circles. After crashing a couple more times and bending the nose area, I switched to the FT-Flyer. As soon as I got home, I put in fuselage stiffener as in the Sportster. I can't wait to get back out again.

Thank you for making the plans available. Since Thanks Giving, I built two FT-22s, two Old Fogeys
an FT-Flyer, NutBall, Delta, Old Speedster, Sportster, and FT Spitfire. Until today, I had only flown the Flyer, which I have proven to be indestructible. I just love building them. It is time to start giving some away. I'm scaring my wife!!!
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The one you need on April 5, 2016
I understand that i must print this on A3?
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Paul Zynda on May 4, 2016
I cant get to the plans to be able to print them it says I have to be logged in and I am. I so want to build this plane...
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fireflygtx on June 4, 2016
did you ever get them to work,having the same problem
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bemily2 on July 24, 2016
I have the same problem, any help?

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Top Gun on May 30, 2016
are all the FT planes made with 6mm foam?

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jazzyal on August 28, 2016
Please get the plans to print on a tile format as you have for other planes. This is a real negative with the plane
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timbacct on October 30, 2016
Just built the Old Fogey from a speed build kit made out of waterproof foam board. Loved it. It went together so well and love the mod for the pushrod guides. One question though. What are the two other extra bits in the kit for? I made them up (two B folds and an A fold. They look like wheel pants but I can't figure out if they are or how they are supposed to fit onto the Old Fogey. Help!
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fuadph07 on July 29, 2020

This plane is really popular so I wanna give it a try! Can you please tell me how to print the plans on A4? I cannot view it properly. (I have the latest version of adobe reader)
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Mryan on October 29, 2020
fuadph07. when you click on the plan here on the Flitetest website it opens thru windows. Save the file then open it in Adobe on your computer. Then you can print it out in tiled form. I was having the same problem until I figured this out :)
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manuelrabon on September 8, 2023
I just use the european style foam board. It's 5mm thick, and comes in various sizes. The difference between the US and the EU version is the flexibility and the way the paper is stuck to the foam. The EU version is a lot stiffer and tends to break if you try to fold it. Also the paper cannot be peeled off.
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FT Old Fogey Swappable - Scratch Build