Large FT 3D

by mawe | November 9, 2013 | (4) Posted in Projects

This is my 1.30 scale version of the FT 3D.

It is made out of foamboard with wood bracing on the inside.

The bottom plate is entirly bass wood from the front until the tapering starts behind the ailerons.


During build before painting it red.
Plenty of space (for a squirrel) inside!

In comparison to the standard size FT3D.


Every meassurement is exactly 30% bigger then Josh's plans except the nose that I made 4cm longer.

The tail wheel is fixed, but it do taxi nicely on hard surface.



I have since the pictures was taken changed the nose like below, I felt that I did not have enough power, and blamed the large "waste" area the firewall created.



Some specs:

4 ParkZone servos (eBay)
NMT Prop Drive 35-36 910KV (HK)
Turnigy Plush 40A ESC (HK)

Master Airscrew 12x6 (Slightly too big but works nice)
Flying mostly with Zippy 2200 3s, but also tried 1800 and 5000 all works nice, 5000 makes the landings slightly hard and the 1800 feels more agile and acrobatic. 

FrSky receiver
FlySky 9x with FrSky module.

The wood spaar inside the wings is quite long and goes to approx 20cm from the wingtips, I can hold the model in one wingtip without anything bending, nice and rigid.

I am having plans to maybe convert this one into glow, I have a GP40 that would fit nice here, but for now this is the nicest flying plane I built so I might just keep it electric.

I live in Dubai UAE, and foamboard of excellent quality can be purchased in Carrefour and Geant Supermatket for 14 Dirhams for a large sheet.


Flying one evening I got company of two birds who showed great interest in my creation, I hope you will too.



Trauma50 on November 10, 2013
Nice job, what was your fully loaded ready to fly weight? I scratch built a plane a few months back for FPV. I overly built one I should say, using traditional build up methods, wood spar, foam ribs in the wing, and balsa in high stress areas. Gorilla glue to hold it all together. I ended up being tail heavy. With all the counter balance weight, I had to add to the nose, kind of did away with my idea of a tough, light FPV plane.
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mawe on November 10, 2013
Hi Trauma50,
The total weight without battery is 1.4 kg.
I was also afraid of going tail heavy, and decided early to put servos and as much as possible in the front. It requires almost no down pressure in inverted so the weight distribution seams to be spot on.

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clough42 on November 12, 2013
1.4kg? Are you sure that's right? That seems very heavy.

I built a 120% version, and it comes in at 601g without the battery. If there's any interest, I could put together an article with downloadable plans.
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mawe on November 12, 2013
Actually, that was a guestimate but I think 1.4 is quite close, I am out of the country now, and I will put it on the scale when I get back home. will post the exact weight on Sunday.
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Michael9865 on November 10, 2013
Nice plan. Thanks for sharing.
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RoyBro on November 11, 2013
Looks like you had the local birds interested. ;)
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flight monkey on November 11, 2013
You should tie a string to the birds, and airplane. Longer flights. 😀
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Driveandairsmash on November 11, 2013
Hm cool I wonder if the wider wingspan and stuff makes it more floaty? Have you done any 3D with it yet? Any tricks that Aaron Bates said it could not do easily? Like blenders and things like that? Because I notice with the large 3D gas planes they just float when you get out of a blender? Did it fix any of that?
Thanks for keeping me entertained,
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cholfeltz on November 12, 2013
HAHA! the birds could sense the squirrel you put in there! Thats so funny! Great job my good man!
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mawe on November 12, 2013
Thank you, happy to entertain.

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rc1jordan on November 17, 2013
very nice
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Large FT 3D