Beechcraft Steggerwing

by Pauloar | October 21, 2013 | (0) Posted in Projects

Dear Model collegues,


As I have posted later on at this site, I finally got to the end with my Scratch Build from a Steggerwing.

I hope you guys enjoy it. I try it to plan for 1 Meter body! I hope it seams quote cool!!! My first prototype it had works really good!


The plans are for 3mm Foam Board, hopefully you can change it for 1 Dollar Foam!!!!




I will let the drawings from sketchup, unfortunately I could not made a PDF, it would be too havy!


Take care guys and let me know what you think about this prohject!



Below you can find the SketchUp Data!

Sterggerwing Plans


Balsa to Foam on November 10, 2013
dollar foam is basically 3mm
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Pauloar on November 11, 2013
Really????? I saw all the plans with 5mm board!!!! So even better!!!!
Thank you!
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Flynn on November 11, 2013
Nice work! Thanks for posting.
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Pauloar on November 11, 2013
Thanks man!!! I hope you like it!
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Michael9865 on November 11, 2013
How did it fly? Do you have any photos of the finished plane? Any flight photos or video? I like the SketchUp mock-up. Thanks for sharing
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Pauloar on November 11, 2013
Yep, I have some photos from the first prototype! it had worked just fine, you can see some photos by my latest posting!
Take care.
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Beechcraft Steggerwing