Hello allI'm starting to build my new quad copter .Its a upgraded version of the quad 3 . I want to use it for fpv and Ariel footage . if requested i can share the plans . in dxf or sw or pdf . im using hobbykings dst1200 motors with HK F-20A esc's that will be reflashed with simon k . The frame is cut from 1.6mm g11 fibreglass sheets .This will be the official blog of my dcq3.
Ok well after my trip to dbn at the end of last year i discovered that the front two motors on the quad 3.0 were lagging as the copper traces were to thin to power the motors properly . so the new quad will have a different power distribution system . The frame has been changed to accommodate more than just a kk2.0 now i have slotted the holes to take bigger and smaller boards . first order of business is to epoxy the motors . I found its easier to split them , epoxy them and then reassemble them . whit the dst 1200. you MUST tighten the props onto the bells and then file the brass spacers till the circlip fits . If you dont do that you will pop the bearings .
So these are the frame parts . I have used 1.6mm g11 fibre glass sheet that i can get locally . I cut them with 3mm carbide cutters in our cnc machine .
I will be clamping my motors using bolts . not zip ties , but my friends quad that Im Building will be mounted with zip ties because he WILL CRASH .
This time I drilled the arms on the cnc machine as well. I painted them black so it will look cool. the arms still fold down to make it easy to transport just like the quad 3.0 .
So I'm going to be using 2 pieces of single sided PCD because I dont have any double sided PCD . I will be using 2 longer lengths of wire at the moment rather than 4 shorter ones so I can have the longest off cut as possible . once the ESC's arrive later this week i will attach them and reflash them with simon k.
first solder the one side
then the other side
then connect the lead that will go to the kk2.0 for the voltage alarm .
Add some heat shrink for protection from shorting
as mentioned . the wires are longer and looped until the ESC's arrive . now lets fit it to the frame .
I have fitted the arms and secured them with the wires ducted as they will be once completed . I have used polycarbonate screws as they sheer before the arms will break .
so now that I have power again I got back to work .so I use a thin strip of heat shrink to hold the heat sink on the ESC while working with it .
the ESC's are mounted with cable tie for two reasons . Reason 1 is easy of mounting and reason 2 is so it breaks away when a crash happens as they always do.
on this quad im going to mount using cable ties . i recommend that you only use high quality cable ties for motor mounts . the cheap ones break to easily. also tighten the two cable ties in opposite directions.
I learned the hard way that cable ties and CA don't go together well . so this time I have used Hot Glue . this will stop the cable ties from adjusting while on site .
the cable ties make great landing gear as they absorb impact well and are bouncy when you land with a bounce.
all folded up now i just need to connect the motors and ESC's then connect up the fc and she is ready to fly .
the anti vibe system
osd and vtx
instamorph plug so I don't have to pull the wires when i unplug the cable
the top deck with the elastic mounting slots
during testing i used a 6ch orx with a satellite . now its upgraded to frsky system
awesome antenna mount that is now not being used
Complete and now for some awesome footage
more footage coming with the review
The Review will be up soon
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they are awesome
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This is my first multi so im excited
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