The AnyCopter Hub Kit is available in our web store. We also have PDF plans available below.With the AnyCopter Hub Kit you will have the ability to create tricopters, quad-copters, hexicopters and more!
We have a full list of recommended electronics that work great with your multi-rotor. Items like the Hobbyking KK2.0 Multi-rotor LCD Flight Control Board fit great inside the AnyCopter Hub.
The AnyCopter Hub Kit includes only the wood components. You will need to purchase additional nuts and bolts to complete your assembly.
We have nuts and bolts available in our web store, along with Rotor Bones components which can help you complete your custom multi-rotor aircraft.
The bolts will be a little long, these can be trimmed down if or you can leave them to length.
When attaching your velcro strips, a trick that we like to do is match up the velcro so it will secure to the battery which will help hold it in place.
The fun thing about the AnyCopter Hub Kit is that you have the ability to build up a quadcopter and in just a few minutes can rebuild it into a tricopter or even a hexicopter!
With the way that the hub kit is designs, and all of the mounting holes, the possibilities are endless!
These are a few recommended setups that you can create with your AnyCopter Hub Kit.
We encourage you to experiment and share with us other setups that you come up with! You can see more photos and share your own AnyCopter builds and experiences in the forum! CLICK HERE
Download the AnyCopter plans HERE.
Recommended Components:
Nuts and Bolts:
Stainless lock-nut and bolt pack
Motor Mount/ Landing Gear
Straight Motor Mount 13-370 (Pair) - Rotor Bones
Tilt Motor Mount 13-370 (tricopter)
Control Board(s):
KK2 Board
MultiWii MicroWii ATmega32U4 Flight Controller
FY-901 Multi-Rotor Flight Stabilization Controller
DJI Naza
Turnigy Park300 Brushless Outrunner 1380kv
Blue Wonder (2712-12 24G) -
Speed Controllers (15A):
Turnigy Speed Controllers
1300-2200Mah 3S
8045 SF Props 2pc Standard Rotation/2 pc RH Rotation (Flouro Yellow)
8045 SF Props 2pc Standard Rotation/2 pc RH Rotation (Red)
8045 SF Props 2pc Standard Rotation/2 pc RH Rotation (Blue)
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But otherwise very well explained!!!!!
(I added this bit)
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please make a video tutorial on how to flash the ESC by simonK firmware
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I am totally new at this, so please forgive what may sound like a silly question. I noticed suggested props to use were all the same except for the colour i.e. RH Props and two LH Props were not listed. Can someone please confirm this? I did purchase what was listed however they are all the same unless you mount the prop in the opposite direction i.e. with the lettering on the prop facing down??
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Does it work or am I risking burning my motors?
There's also a overheating warning if choosing the "full" battery option, but it's 85C, so it might be OK..
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