DIY Snow Racers

by MESA RC | March 29, 2016 | (6) Posted in Just Fun


To the Flite Test Community;

Every year around this time we start to see spring work its way through the snow clouds and students able to venture out to test what they have been developing over winter. Among the many plane designs, rotor designs, and crazy concept ideas, a new tradition set last year made for some interesting brains at work to develop some sort of platform to conduct a race with. The parameters, use foam board and the same basic power equipment and electronics we use on everything else.  

See our first DIY race last year!

This year the students wanted to begin creating a snow racer that can be revised over the next couple of racing seasons. instead of formula 1 pusher like the year before, they chose a design that can handle the snowy conditions.  Below is what they came up with:

Now the development of these racers could have used the new Water Resistant FT Foam Board, but the students had been creating them already and covering them with laminate to protect them from the water and snow prior to the foams release.  In the future we will most definitely utilize this new build materials to make our designs lighter and not sitting to heavy on the snow.

The build was designed to be simple and quick besides the foam board prep.  The design allowed for two pontoons to be folded up on both sides.  Another foam board plate to go on top to cover everything, a fuselage to house all electronics, and a rudder that was slightly low enough to touch the ground.

To elevate the game and hype of the project, we made a point to make it FUN, creating team names, intros, posters, etc. So we hope you enjoyed this element of the video, it makes for some confident students in the end.

This years snow racing design had its pros and cons, and the students after the race sat down to talk about what went well and what didn't based on the epic evaluation. Here is what they came up;


  • Easy to build
  • Safe to use
  • Simple electronic setup
  • Very fast on slick smooth surfaces
  • Easy platform for future design revisement


  • Too low to the ground
  • Rudder Overall strength was weak
  • Not enough traction while turning

The students will take this evaluation and give to next years group for design changes in hopes that their experience will be just, if not better then 2016. The students are still working out this design's flaws, and when they are done, they will make sure to place in our PDF plans section of the website.

The students learned a ton from this project and testing event and we hope to have more in the future to share with you guys!

In the meantime, keep Designing, keep Building, and Keep Flying!

The MESArc Team


westbows on March 30, 2016
Great job! I was cracking up at the accents. Now you need to design hovercrafts like Peter S. !!
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MESA RC on April 6, 2016
That would be cool! Thanks for watching and leaving a comment.
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jackweed on April 1, 2016
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StarFyter on March 31, 2016
Great work!!! Looks like everyone is having a good time and learning RC concepts. Makes me wish my profession was teaching. :)
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MESA RC on April 6, 2016
Teaching the right subject makes or breaks the teacher! It was a lot of fun, thanks!
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DIY Snow Racers