To the FliteTest Community
The weather for the winter is starting to shape up here in Colorado, however, that doesn't stop the ideas coming from our MESA students. Wyatt and a group of other rcFoam Fighters designed a ground vehicle called the Floor Warrior. It is catching on in the production lab and many others are following suit. I even made one to battle to these students. This video shows the testing stage of their creation, look for a race and battle with these foam fighters in the coming weeks.
Students wanted to share with you guys if you want to do a recycling project with your foam board create a Floor Warrior. No flight practice required, bairley any equipment is being used, you can make one in less then an hour, and they are a ton of fun!
As always, thanks for watching and supporting the MESArcFF Program.
Jake Marshall
MESArcFF Advisor/Director
MESArcFF Productions
Camera: Harrison
Editing: Zac and Joey
Pilot: Wyatt
Director: Marshall
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suggest me the electronics atleast the design I can do it.
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