Reinforced control surface hinges

by scottie | March 12, 2014 | (18) Posted in How To

For those of you who have seen my last article,you will know I am modifying the FT Spitfire (among other ones) on this current build I have started with the Tail,I took the method for forming the flaps from the last build and applied it too shaping the leading and trailing edges to give a more realistic look and a better aerofoil.

More importantly,this method puts the control sruface hinge in the centre giving equal throws in both direction (there might be an advantage to this especially with the FT 3D ) the Elevator and Rudder are far stronger as well.

I also found that after minwaxing then painting that the elevator was starting to curl at the edges,it didnt affect the flight in any adverse way,it just annoyed the life out of me :P

Downside is ,theres more weight on the tail but as with my last build the extra weight is to be expected when you're modifying a design.

anyway,on with the pictures 

So take 2 Vertical Stabilizers/Rudder and cut only the relesase at the the top for the rudder

I use my roller to compress the trailing edge to almost flush to the mat and round off the leading edge on both parts

trailing edge of Rudder

now on what will be the inside of the 2 halves,run some tape down the length of the hinge.

The actual cut for the hinge will be made on the outside on both halves.

I opted for spray glue because i needed a flawless join,couldnt achieve that with hot glue.

The 2 halves joined

Now cut a bevel cut into the outside on both sides.

This could be done prior too joining the halves together,admittedly thats how I made the Elevator hinge.

Elevetor halves ready for glueing


And the completed tail.....


The pictures dont clearly show the hinge so heres a few of my test piece 

Anyway,please rate,tell me what you think :)



Yogenh on March 27, 2014
Great work Scottie!! I think it would be great for all scale planes!!! I may have to give it a try when I build one. Thanks
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scottie on March 28, 2014
yeah I think so too,kinda the reason I'm trying different building and finishing techniques.I think our planes could look a lot more detailed and scale if a little thought is put into them.Thanks for your comment
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Yogenh on March 28, 2014
Have you flown with them yet? If you did how did it fly?

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scottie on March 30, 2014
I haven't yet,still putting the Spit together but once I have I will post my findings :-D
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Foam Addict on March 28, 2014
Nice! great ingenuity and simplicity.
Spitfire #4 will have this mod as my other spits had tail trouble...
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scottie on March 28, 2014
Luckily Ive never had any issues with tail control on any of my prior spit's apart from my inexperience :-P
Im almost ready to attach my tail to the fuse....dont know how well it will perform but it sure does look a lot better :) Thanks for your comment
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nerdnic on March 25, 2014
This is a great idea and will be giving it a try! Thanks for the article.
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scottie on March 26, 2014
Thanks,let me know how it goes.I'm still in the process of building the Spit so i haven't tried the tail mods yet :)
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scottie on March 26, 2014
thanks :)

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LordVader on March 25, 2014
Really good idea. I'm gonna try this on my next build.
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Jaxx on March 25, 2014
This is great! Thanks for sharing.
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#3 on March 28, 2014
Looks good it is a step in the right direction I had mad the comment on Flying Penguins RC build of the Hellcat that if we are going to start to make fomies so scale like we would have to start working on the tail feathers to make them airfoil shape and you have done it great work
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scottie on March 30, 2014
Thanks Av8tor,yeah i saw that comment.I've been following the Hellcat article,I'm curious too see how it flies.I'm glad you like like my mod and thanks for your input.
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bluznbeers on April 22, 2014
Very nice!!

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alexgofly on April 20, 2014
totally awesome ideas like yours should be in the book great job

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kilroy07 on February 26, 2018
Great Idea. As a noob, anything that will make my builds stronger is a good thing! I will definitely try this on my Mustang build!
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Reinforced control surface hinges