Influence 21%
Join Date Sep 27, 2017
Articles 0
I'll be 50 by the time you read this (how does that happen?!!)
Anyway, I have always wanted to do RC aircraft. As a kid I was into Estes Rockets, balsa gliders and had several COX models. I found Flite Test September of 2017 mainly because I had found a deal for a 1.6m foam Mustang (P-51) that I could NOT pass up! When it arrived, I realized... Probably NOT the best aircraft to learn how to fly on (I "ALMOST" had my private license for real airplanes BTW.)
So I found FT and the rest (as they say) is history. I could spend months (years?!) building a scale airplane (and I TRULY appreciate the skill of those who do) but I REALLY appreciate just taking a sheet or two of foamboard and hours later having something fun to do with friends and not worry about crashes or trees or my heavy handed friends smashing my latest creation (All part of the fun, right?) So this community is a perfect fit for me and I am honored to join it!
Be well, do good things and keep in touch.