Super Durable & Light Multicopter Landing Gear

by MaxPower | March 4, 2014 | (13) Posted in How To


PVC landing gear on a quadcopter.


When I was first starting to fly multirotors I was looking for landing gear that was durable, light, good ground clearance and would take a hard landing, cause face it: the landing gear is what takes the beating when learning to fly.  I tried a few things and came up with using PVC drainage sewer pipe.  I won't take the credit for it, I see other people have done similar things, this is just my take on it.  I think it looks nice and clean too.

You can see in the video how springy the landing gear is and my start to finish on making it.  You can form the pipe to any shape you like. 

You need:

  • PVC pipe (I used 4")
  • Hacksaw
  • Boiling Water
  • Marker
  • Ruler

 Here is the process in a nutshell:

  • Measure the pipe for how wide you want the landing gear
  • Cut slices of the pipe
  • Heat the pieces of pipe in boiling water
  • Shape and bend the pipe into landing gear



PVC landing Gear on David's Tricopter


4" PVC pipe


1/2" pipe pieces cut and then cut in half.


Heating the landing gear in boiling water.


Finished landing gear, made a flat spot on the top so it would mount on the bottom of the copter booms.


Another pic of the landing gear on a tricopter, held on with zipties.

My website:


shermanhartman on March 25, 2014
I used to use PVC for landing gear, but when it got cold, the PVC started cracking very easily. I got my hands on some lexan (not plexiglass, real lexan) and formed it with a heat gun to make flexible landing gear. It works great. And lexan doesn't crack, even in the cold.
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Crashpilot1000 on March 31, 2014
Thank you very much for that boiling water/modeling tip!!
You can also use these plastic things that block the drawers for children (dunno how they are called in English). The are available in every hardwarestore. Something like this:
Those Clips will break on hard landings.
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MaxPower on March 31, 2014
Very resourceful, they look light too.
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Widkin on March 27, 2014
That is a brilliant solution! I've had trouble with my landing gear always snapping the zip ties they're fastened with, but with this construction, I guess that's less of a problem. I'm totally going to use this, thanks!
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Sirglider on March 25, 2014
Brillant idea and description!
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tommy_mental on March 4, 2015
This is awesome...I tried it and it's amazing :)
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Sangae on December 6, 2015
Yes this is an awesome idea and tried it and I never wanted else.
Now my friends too build this sort of landing gear.
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Super Durable & Light Multicopter Landing Gear