In this 3rd part you see a demo of the "follow me" mode. First I was sceptic but on this open hill it was really nice to see this tech stuff work so well. Smartphone sends GPS coords over wifi to Hero Flightcontroll in the Ghost copter. The FC compares it's own GPS coords and navigates to the smartphones position. Works well.(me being "haunted" by a ghost - no lie - just a little exageration ;-)
Before the follow me test I just flew some LOS tests up there with way too low gains - ended in a crash. (Wrong gains = crash!)
Stick with recommended gains!
with / without Gimbal
Roll: 55 / 45
Nick: 55 / 45
Sway: 95 / 80
Also had some issues with a landing gear that opted to stay on the ground rather than going airborne (maybe it knew about the crash?). Found a weak spot in the sturdy retractable landing gear. They are screwed together shortly after the retractable joint. This screw is not long enough. Now I glued it additionally and it is fine.(weak landing gear joint - needs some glue!)
In the next video (maybe the last of the review series) I show you the FPV capabilities and more stabilized onboard footage.
Maybe I can get a 100% working battery also and do some real endurance tests to see the true flighttimes. I estimate 15mins with gimbal.
PART 1: unboxing and review
PART 2: build video and indepth review
PART 3 (this one here) Follow me mode tests
PART 4: FPV Tests and gimbal performance (tbd)
Btw. a nice commenter pointed me to the fact that "Schim" means Ghost or Shadow in the dutch language ;-)
But now, enjoy the video and tell me what you think about this quad (also some suggestions what to try / show in the next - maybe last - test video of it)
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