Phi Mu Delta Wing (Versa Wing) - Stage 1

by cdraptor | November 15, 2013 | (4) Posted in Projects

I love this FT Versa Wing speed build kit - Flite Test gang, Josh, Josh, Chad, David - love the videos, love all I have learned from you guys and loved building this kit.  I finally got to fly it today - wow is this thing awesome.  Winter is coming and I will likely be building more Versa Wings and some of the other kits.  Here is my Phi Mu Delta Wing - I decided on my fraternity as the theme 

I first laid out the design with some cuts off mono coat trim strips that I picked up at a local hobby shop.  I decided to use the colors of my fraternity - Phi Mu Delta - so I am calling this my Phi Mu Delta Wing.  I have some FPV gear on my Phantom FX-61 which is a nice flyer but the size makes it hard to take it around - so I am going to try it out on here.  I have the APM 2.5+ board on some of my quadcopters so I may try it out on the versa wing.

Here is the finished product.  I found a great deal on Ares Gamma 370 motor & esc combo which had everything wired up and ready so it was quick to add on and fits nice - I found them at Hobby Town USA up in Reading, PA - great guys.  I have to update the power end to Deans.  I flew it today for the first time and it was awesome.  I will post videos further down

With the mono coat on, it makes a nice solid hinge for cutting in doors - my battery hatch works great, I have velcro inside and attached to the battery, then I put velcro on just outside the edge of the hatch opening and using some more orange mono coat I taped down 3 soft velcro straps which make a very nice solid closure for holding in the battery

With the hatched closed an added benefit is a pretty soft area underneath the battery to cushion the landing

Here is my maiden flight which went off really well.  I needed a good amount of up trim and I have decided to mount the battery back a bit further.  When I use the CG point to balance, I had to add weights, but it seems to want to nose down, so I may take one or two off, especially if I add the FPV camera or GoPro.

These were weights I got at Hobby Town USA in there pinewood derby section, balance on CG seems to be great with them, but in flying it seems to nose down.  That first flight was hard to guage my trim adjustments considering the fact I didn't have a 3mm lock not on the end of the prop, I forgot to swap out the one regular nut I had on to test the motor with a lock nut and lost the prop on the maiden flight while attempting a loop.

Here is another  a windy day flying along with FT-3D - I had quite a crash with the Wing and with how nice the build is the only issue was the motor mount popped off at the glue point, so hot glue and it's ready to go again

With FT-3D and Versa Wing Crash:

This is an amazing wing - thank you Flite Test for the speed build kit, I am planning on getting another and will be attempting to do a scratch build version as well.


spencer on November 26, 2013
Great looking wing. You might reconcider using that connector though. I've had many of those get hot and melt together. Then they destroy your esc and battery. Just a suggestion.
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TehMaxwell on July 11, 2014
If it is nose heavy you may want to try adding in more reflex on the trims, that was a problem I had, but it turned out more reflex was needed.
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Phi Mu Delta Wing (Versa Wing) - Stage 1