FT Old Speedster twin 14g Turnigy 287g no battery

by nickatredbox | November 30, 2013 | (0) Posted in Just Fun
FT Old Speedster Twin 14 Gram Turnigy 287 Grams no battery 367g take off weight. 6mm Depron tape covered. Wing and tail as JB's plans size and location/relative position different fuse design. Aft mounted micro servos less than half the weight of two HXT900's Two Turnigy C1822 motors, nice wee motors well made.

Two 3.7 Gram servos on short linkages decent weight saving over two 9 G units

3.7servo specifications.

Size : 19x8x26mm
Voltage: 3~6v
Torque: 11.1oz / .5kg @ 6v
Speed: .12 s/60deg @ 6v
Weight: 3.7g

2.5 degree down angle on the motors much like the JB plans

Contra rotating props just down 8 X 4.7's around 6" diameter. Thrust 200 Grams @ 7.5 Amps  on a 3 C Turnigy Nano Tech 850mAh 

Diameter: 18mm
Length: 23mm
Shaft: 4mm
Weight: 14g (with 10cm wire)
Power: 50W
Turns: 20
Kv: 2100rpm/v
Resistance: 453
Idle Current: .2A
Max amp: 10A (15sec burst)
Voltage: 2-4cell Lipoly



RoyBro on December 1, 2013
Nice mod. Are the smaller motors beefy enough to lift a GoPro in the nose?
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Exhodus on December 1, 2013
In your place I wouldn't trust those sub micro servos with large control surfaces especially that this is a 3 channel plane, if one servo goes you will have no control.
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alibopo on December 1, 2013
The lengths some people will go to get a symmetrically mounted wing! Looks great. I've been toying with a similar use of the Old Fogey wing on a stripped-down fuselage - mostly to eliminate weight as the foam board I'm using is heavier than dollar tree. Something like an early Bleriot monoplane. I will be interested seeing how your servos perform - this plane won't be going that fast, and I doubt it will need much input to get a turn, though a loop might be different. When do we get to see the maiden? :)
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FT Old Speedster twin 14g Turnigy 287g no battery