- Weight without battery: 7.2 oz (204 g)
- Center of Gravity: 1.75 inches (44.45 mm) from leading edge of wing
- Control Surface Throws: 12 – 16˚ deflection (elevator/aileron/rudder) Expo 30%
- Wingspan: 23 inches (584 mm)
- Recommended Motor: 2200 kv 2204 size motor
- Recommended Prop: 6 x 3 prop minimum
- Recommended ESC: 12 amp minimum
- Recommended battery: 800 mAH 2s or 3s
- Recommended Servos: (4) 5 gram servos
New to the R/C hobby?
Here's some resources to help get you up to speed!
Beginner Series: WATCH HERE!
Electronics Setup: WATCH HERE!
First Flight Quick Tips: WATCH HERE!
Got glue?? Get Some Here!

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clearly in the video josh had painted first, so did he minwx as well?
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Thanks for great plans, articles and advise.
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So, what did you paint it with?
Was in poly coated, didn't look like it.
Please add link to paint/finish video.
Love my Scout, but it looks awful now after several failed finishing trials..........
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Will there be any down loadable plans for this great little plane in the future? (Living in Sweden it is not really practical to buy the build kit)
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IDEAS??? Pictures???
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I’ve built the FT Mini Sportster. I have all the parts but the motor. Do you have a recommended site to buy the EMAX 2004 size / 2200kv motor? I’m unable to find that exact motor. Is it safe to use a EMAX 2004 / 2300kv motor? This is the current parts I have:
1x Propellers 6 x 4
1 x 2S 7.4 800mAh 20C battery (E-flite)
1 x 15-Amp ESC 2-3 LiPo (Ares)
4 x 5g Servos
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1. Don't use aerosol poly, use the clear gloss (least amount of yellowing) from a can and work it into the paper using a foam applicator. Apply only enough to get the job done to save weight.
2. Let it dry COMPLETELY! This may take a few days. It will be dry to the touch, but all of the VOC's must completely evaporate out before applying glue. If there is still a fairly strong odor coming off the foam board, wait another day.
3. The foam board will now accept spray paint and low adhesion masking tape with no problems. Usually 2 light coats will get the job done.
I poly my kits as soon as they arrive and let them sit until I'm ready to build. It's really worth the extra effort. If you do this process and edge seal the open edges with poly or hot glue, you can belly land first thing in the morning on dew covered grass with no worries.
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