Anycopter - Folding Quadcopter Build

by MaxPower | May 3, 2014 | (7) Posted in Projects

This is a how to build video of a small folding quadcopter, based on the "Anycopter" hub.  I go through the different steps and also a quick overview on how to setup the KK2 flight controller and a maiden flight.

I really like folding multicopters, makes it easier to store and transport in a bag.  The quadcopter, uses short wooden booms (6.25" long), Lexan body (1/8" thick), Hobby King 20A ESC flashed with simonk and some 1200kv motors, 8"x 4.5 props and makes for some really fun and exciting flying.

Here are the links mentioned in the video:

How to flash a Hobby King ESC with simonk:

DYI Multicopter Landing Gear

How to solder bullet connectors:

The link to the article on Flitetest with the hub plans.


My website:


gmyers2112 on June 14, 2014
why do you have to flash the ESCs? I see this a lot... the term this or that flashed with something other than what it came with. Can somebody tell me why this is done?
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MaxPower on June 14, 2014
Normal ESCs that are not specific for multirotors have a slower refresh rate meaning they don't react as fast to changes in throttle. This is important because multirotors depend totally on changes to throttle from instructions from the flight controller to stay airborne and stable, so they fly better with updated ESCs that can give instructions to your motors faster. At least thats how I think it works. I just know that without reflashing my copters do not respond or handle as well.
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gmyers2112 on June 16, 2014
thank you. With all the reflashing stuff I'd heard about, nobody ever said why. It's a super user thing, I think. Some things seem very basic to the people who post instructions and I'm truly just not that bright.

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LetsFlyRC on June 13, 2014
I like the idea of the short booms. I want to build one for fpv practice. What are the lengths of your booms and props, please?
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MaxPower on June 14, 2014
The booms I used are 6-1/4" long, but experiment, since it's wooden dowels and they are cheap you can start off longer and cut them down. Props are 8"x4.5
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Nathan_116 on June 13, 2014
How much did the electronics cost you? I've been wanting to build a quad and I've gotten the price down to around $100, but in my parents eyes that is still too much so I need to reduce it a little more.
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MaxPower on June 13, 2014
Hmm 100 bucks you are going to be pushing it for cost. The kk2 board alone is 30 bucks, you could go with another cheaper flight controller but most probably won't have accelerometers just gyros. I think total cost for this build was around $160 but thats with the NTM motors.
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baconflyer on June 18, 2014
I managed a build for $80 a while ago, using the flip 1.5 board from (great board for under $20, cheap 15 amp hobbyking escs, and cheap bell type motors (go on hobbyking>motors>bell-type and sort by price.
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MaxPower on June 18, 2014
Very cool, yeah I forgot about the flip and multiwii's, do you have a part number or search term, I tried searching flip on but no luck. Thanks
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polodu64 on June 15, 2014
Very nice work ! I love your power distribution ! what battery are you using ? because I have the same setup on a knuckle H-quad, but with a 2200mah 3S LiPo, I only have around 6 minutes of flight time... Thanks !
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MaxPower on June 15, 2014
Thanks! I am using a 2200mah 3S and a 2200mah 4S, I get about 6-8 depending on how hard I push it. The 4S is almost too fast for me lol!
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alexcunningham55 on June 13, 2014
good build video. I like the idea of folding booms. i was going to build a h quad with plywood but you have me thinking i might use lexan now.
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MaxPower on June 13, 2014
thanks, stay tuned I actually have a folding H-Quad built from lexan, I'm going to try to have the video done in the next week or so
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alexcunningham55 on June 13, 2014
what thickness is that lexan, both from this and your future h quad?
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MaxPower on June 14, 2014
1/8" thick, it's the standard lexan that you can buy at Home Depot.
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Anycopter - Folding Quadcopter Build