Flying Sled - Build Tips

by FliteTest | February 24, 2015 | (11) Posted in Tips


Josh's (swoose inspired) Wing Plans
Available here: FULL PLANS

Josh and Peter share Build Tips for Flying Sleds.

Josh had inspiration for his sled from the Bulldog (pictured above) and the Swoose.

As you can tell Josh's Sled was quite strong, even while holding from the edge of the wing.

He even borrow some parts from the C-19 Cabbie.

Peter took a different approach, using our very own Flite Test Foam boxes to design his wings.

And recycled the spar from the Microwave Plane build.

Peter was able to do some testing to get his plane ready, and had to redesign his tail to get it flying well.

With the original tail design, the elevator couldn't catch any air, losing significant control over the craft.

We hope this video helped inspire you with your own builds, and post your designs in the articles section so everyone can enjoy them and get inspiration for their builds. 

As always thanks for supporting us and allowing us to create some of the crazy things we think up. Please share your creations and post an article or join the discussion in the FORUM!

Josh's (swoose inspired) Wing Plans 
Available here: FULL PLANS


awesomenessft on February 27, 2015
The ft in my name is Fletcher tully
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RMS on March 3, 2015
I wanted to say something about CG finding. So many people worry about where it is. My rule of thumb to start for well over 30 years is 25 to 27% of the chord. If the wing is tapered, go out half span of each wing panel and follow the same rule at the chord length found there. Canards,deltas and swept wings are different though. Hope this makes it easy for people to just build something and fly it and stop worrying about how to find a CG. Build it, set the CG and it will likely fly.
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jrbemis on February 25, 2015
Could this become a flying boat build off later in the Spring?
Are you going to try wing warping or leading elevator /rudder combo?
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FeWolf on February 26, 2015
Plans for download are very hard to read, very light
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Wright_of_Way on February 25, 2015
Maybe a flying snowtube? Could also be used in the summer and land in a pool!
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1959cutter on February 25, 2015 this is also something for flite test to build
it's flight related and affordable and most of all...its cool!
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awesomedirt5 on April 26, 2015
What about a float plane challenge, but you can't actually use previous designs, and maybe even a system to collect and drop water from the pond/lake.
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willrocks on February 25, 2015
i vote the backwards plane or a canard or a snow tube
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yvonne bezmalinovic on February 25, 2015
are y'all ever coming to new orleans

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Anton hollander on March 3, 2015
IT would be cool if you buyld a flying speker and then play music in the air or a flying bike but that can be realy hard to do, but it. would be realy Fun to do that.
Or you can tyst buy alot of plan Whit v-saped Wings and tapet them together until it makes a cirkel
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lusid666 on February 26, 2015
When are we going to get a Cabbie build video?
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msh312b on February 26, 2015
Yes! I need that sooooooo much! I have built the Cabbie from your plans but not sure how to finish it. i.e, I need to know where to mount the Booms and the electronics, I really like big planes, Keep going these are great fun.
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casehatter on February 25, 2015
great Job Guys I miss making Junk fly, it's so fun, Getter Done..!! Nice to see planes from thangs..!!
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1959cutter on February 25, 2015
I would like to see peter fly a GROUND EFECT PLANE!!!.
Peter is the lightest and could build a large wing area,low speed wings like the ones on joshes plane,to actualy lift a pilot a few feet off the ground at about 15-20 MPH!
I saw this as a homebuilt glider in pop mech, in 1974 and wanted to build one in the back yard.(at the time my dad was flying real gliders at the sailport on weekends)
it would need a tow rope but you could get AIRBORNE! off the ground and actualy fly three axis control.

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yvonne bezmalinovic on February 25, 2015
y'all should make a car plane it would drive and it would fly it would be two in one it would be very nice iff you could put that on the show my name is Mirko and i really like the rc hobby
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awesomenessft on February 27, 2015
Come to Australia! AUSSI Aussi aussi oiy ouy oiy
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awesomenessft on February 27, 2015
Make a cox engine plane
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ScottFPV on February 25, 2015
I'd love to see a laser tag system used for dog fighting.
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Digital Wolf on February 25, 2015
That would be awesome too
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Wright_of_Way on February 25, 2015
Make a Refrigerator fly!
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Tom123 on February 26, 2015
when are you bringing the ft foam to your store
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JMN- on February 26, 2015
Is FT going to SEFF?
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Wright_of_Way on February 26, 2015
They always do, but they said they were this year in a podcast.
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awesomenessft on February 27, 2015
Make a fridge fly,
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awesomenessft on February 27, 2015
What about a 2ch plane build off
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Jtbluefeather on March 4, 2015
What about an "inception" plane? Transmitter on the ground controls a transmitter on the plane that controls the flight controls... Completely useless, but would be fun to see how you did something like that!
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zbaron19 on March 8, 2015
That would be cool
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Digital Wolf on February 25, 2015
I love the bulldog! Make some cars or bikes flying 😄 or a backwards flying airplane would be awesome!!!
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casehatter on February 25, 2015
I second the backwards plane..!!
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awesomenessft on February 27, 2015
I third
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PropSpinner on February 25, 2015
Wouldn't that be a canard?
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PropSpinner on February 25, 2015
How about a canard build off? The glider build off was a hit.
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msh312b on February 26, 2015
Yes please, I love canard planes. My daughter wants me to build here an Ishani plane from the move Planes.
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RAM on February 25, 2015
+1 for the pushmi-pullyu

The pushmi-pullyu (pronounced "push-me—pull-you") is a "gazelle-unicorn cross" which has two heads (one of each) at opposite ends of its' body. In The Story of Doctor Dolittle, the grateful monkeys in Africa persuade it to accompany Dr. Dolittle to England to earn money for him (in Doctor Dolittle's Circus and Doctor Dolittle's Caravan.) The pushmi-pullyu usually only uses one of its heads to talk, reserving the other for eating (thus allowing it to eat while speaking without being rude) and claims that its' great-grandfather was the last unicorn.

In the 1967 film, the pushmi-pullyu was instead portrayed as a double-headed llama. The doctor can immediately speak to the pushmi-pullyu, knowing that llamas speak a dialect of camel language.
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yvonne bezmalinovic on February 25, 2015
make a car fly

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awesomenessft on February 27, 2015
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awesomenessft on February 27, 2015
I third a backwards flying plane, and I first a ft 2ch plane
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Aerospace Matt on November 30, 2019
What electronics would you recommend for this?
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Flying Sled - Build Tips