Depron build FT-STORCH

by swizera | November 10, 2014 | (0) Posted in Just Fun

This is my first article on Flight test. I always love the way FT reprents itself and help the community with its brilliant ideas and free Plans.Was waiting from a long time for a good trainer plane, and the wait ends, the day FT-STORCH was introduced. 

Thanks a ton to Josh and entire Flight test team.

I have no acess to dollar tree foam board, so i build the plane with 6mm depron by covering one side with packing tape.  To make power pod Strong, i have made it with Coro. Added extra wooden spars inside the wings.



Elctronic used

Dt 750 motor with 10*6 prop

4-  9 grams servo

50 Amp ESC

Auw   930gm

some videos of the flight.


Here are some pics of the build




hellcat on November 11, 2014
nice build it looks very straight congratulations on your first post. I use depron myself for all models and put a 12mm balsa spar in the wings instead of foam board ones. i will have ago at this storch too but will do the wing in two pieces with depron. however i might try coro as an experiment for the wing as well in one piece seeing it is so straight.
kind regards from Queensland
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slarti42uk on November 12, 2014
Nice build. I did a similar build with 6mm depron:
Did you have any problems with getting you CG in the right place? I've been unable to balance mine without additional weight but I'm not sure if I just went too heavy on the glue on the tail.
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swizera on November 13, 2014
Just read your entire post, Beautifully made.
The motor i have used is heavier than one advised , secondly i have used MDF(heavier than ply) for motor mount. My power pod is coro made, again heavier than foam.These few changes help me for nose weight. Lastly i have placed the lipo just an inch after the firewall(inside the pod itself) to get correct CG.
AUW went to 930 gm. approx 100gm more than yours.

How you manage to get correct CG at last ?

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swizera on November 11, 2014
Thanks hellcat. will try with coro too. But i think it will increase the weight by more than 200-300 gms.
Log In to reply on May 12, 2019
Very nice , one question , how to paimt the plane on the area covered with tape ? The paint will drip right out , right ? Please do answer.Thanks in advance.
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Depron build FT-STORCH