As always we also have complete build plans available for free linked at the bottom of this article.
When you purchase your speed build kit, we encourage you to save the cut outs and make yourself a template!
The FT Simple Storch offers some of the usual build techniques along with a few new design elements.
Center your servos and get your servo extensions. You'll want to also build your Power Pod before first!
A full list of electronics is available below.
Pre-dialed in differential will give your aileron more upward deflection.
Be sure to clear out all of the channels so your plane will fold together tightly.
Keep an eye out for the 'new' cloudy white glue sticks which don't work as well as the original clearer sticks.
The landing gear is the most recognizable feature of the Fieseler fi 156 Storch.
We replicate this unique landing gear easily with just a few bends of wire. These components come with your speed built swappable kit!
We are also introducing FT Elements Reinforcement Discs with this build!
We designed the FT Elements Reinforcement Discs based on viewer feedback and with these discs you'll be able to have a more secure connection to your power pod and fuselage.
The tubing can be cut to secure your bbq skewer into your fuselage.
The FT Simple Storch features a very clean design with how the canopy glues together.
We're excited to see how everyone will customize their FT Simple Storches!
The speed build kit come with wheel cutouts and control horns and other accessories, available here.
Complete power packs are available for your power pod.
If you want to pick up a speed-build kit head on over to the web store! Otherwise, you can download the free plans at the link below.
FREE Build Plans:
FT Simple Storch [FULL]
FT Simple Storch [TILED]
Recommended electronics:
MOTOR - Suppo 2217/7 1200kv Brushless Motor (Park 425 equivelant)
4 Servos (Option 1) - Hextronic 9 Gram Servo
4 Servos (Option 2) - Suppo SP-90 9g Micro Servo
ESC (Option 1) - TURNIGY Plush 25amp Speed Controller
ESC (Option 2) - Suppo 18A Brushless ESC
Battery (Option 1) - Turnigy 1800mAh 3s 20C Lipo Pack
Battery (Option 2) - Turnigy 2200mAh 3s 20C Lipo Pack
Prop (Option 1) - Slow Fly 10x4.7 prop
2 - 12" servo lead extensions
2 - 24" servo lead extensions
Y servo leads for ailerons (and flaps)
Linkage stoppers
Complete Electronic Power Packs (Power Pod Components) are available from these resellers:
Altitude Hobbies
Thank you to the entire community for making projects like this possible.
Let us know how your build went or if you have any tips or comments, chat it up in the forums!
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I have also used this technique with a clothes iron to melt in the bevel in. The width of the iron and repeat works better than sliding it along the whole length .
When I was a boy I could cut, carve, create anything but now my hands are crippled @nd I must resort to “ hacks”.
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2 @ 12" servo lead extensions
2 @ 24" servo lead extensions
Y servo leads for ailerons (and flaps)
and linkage stoppers
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Pages 3-6 get tiled together in a 1x4 page strip, and includes the vertical and horizontal stabilizers, gauges, and a wheel.
Pages 9-11, 17-19, and 25-27 get tiled together in a 3x3 page array, and includes one wing panel and box spar. Because the 2 wings are symmetrical, I just need to flip the pattern over for the second wing and spar.
Pages 14--16, 22-24, and 30-32 get tiled together for another 3x3 page array, and includes the fuselage components (and throw gauge).
I don't need the pattern for the power pod (I've got plenty of those), and the long strips for spacers can just be cut to size -- easy enough to measure the right size without a pattern. As an aside, I'm guessing that the longer set of strips and those small squares are for slats, but I'm not sure... (does anyone else have a guess?).
One other nit.... when printing, note that the Adobe page numbers do not always match the plan page numbers -- many of the tiles are printed out of order, so make sure the page numbers mentioned to print above are for the plan pages and NOT the Adobe page numbers.
I plan to trace these on to either foam board or poster board to make reusable patterns. Once I have these, I will arrange them on a 20x30" sheet to optimize the use of material.
One other hint: because I probably wasn't 100% accurate in aligning/assembling tiles, I can't be sure the aircraft pieces that have symmetrical sides (horizontal stabilizer, fuselage sides) will be truly symmetrical when I get done tracing them (I noticed this problem on the Old Fogey wingtips when I scratch built it). Thus, I plan to trace just over half of those parts, flip the pattern, then trace the rest. This way I will be sure both sides will be the same. Be sure not to use the same markings for things like servo holes and control horn mounting slots, however -- those are definitely not symmetrically arranged.
Anyway, that's going to be my approach for this plane. I'll let you know how it works out.
(Also posted in the forums)
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(*) This actually is somewhat conditional statement as I am rather noob still.
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Great design. I learn new building techniques with every video.
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What's included with each combo pack:
Motor: 1x Suppo 2217/7 1250kv Brushless Outrunner
ESC: 1x Suppo 30A Brushless ESC
Servos: 4x Suppo SP-90 9g micro servo
Props: 2x APC 9x4.7SF Slow-Fly propeller
1x 12" Y-Harness
4pcs D1.8mm Linkage Stoppers
MIssing the 2 @ 12" servo lead extensions 2 @ 24" servo lead extensions
http://upliftinghobbies.com Lists$62.99
Contents of the electronics combo pack:
MOTOR: 1x Suppo 2217/7 1250kv Brushless Outrunner
ESC: 1x Suppo 30A Brushless ESC
SERVOS: 4x Suppo SP-90 9g micro servo
OPTIONAL: 2x Suppo Servos (Flaps)
PROP: 1x APC 9x4.7 Propellor
WIRING: 2x 12" Y Harness
WIRING: 2x 12" Wire Extension
HARDWARE: 4x Linkage Stopper
Including a second Y harness for flaps, but selling a second set of flap servos separately... sigh.
But Flite Test lists 2 - 24" servo lead extensions and neither sells those. Just asking for some consistency, accuracy, or one stop shopping to save on shipping.
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better and lighter than standard foam board works out cheaper as well
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i downnload your copy
i can have it print on 36``wide almost anywere at cheap price
thank you
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Could this plane fly without ailerons.
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Could do with the sizes listed on the specifications though, and a dimension drawing.
Not complaining, only suggesting.
Great job otherwise.
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unfortunately I could never learn anything about the extent of the stork.
Could someone possibly the actual span of the
Stork, and call the take-off weight?
regards Franz
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This could save servos and weight.
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i download the copy from pastrychefin it is on 36 in wide way easier to have it print
great hobby did not have it yet as a kit
have a nice day
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In Germany it is hard to get depron with paper coating, but not impossible.
Here you can get it "www.isopor.de"
unfortunately only in larger quantities.
regards Franz
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Thanks for everything you guys do!
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http://www.spiegel.de/spiegel/print/d-40617184.html (Article in German)
http://magazin.spiegel.de/EpubDelivery/spiegel/pdf/40617184 (PDF of article)
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I do not need to translate.
Because once you see how I feel at your side!
regards Franz
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Thought I'd add my thought on the "C" fold
Actually it's Ben eating me up so I had to comment lol
"A" above bottom
"B" beside bottom
"C" compleatly over
"D" double bevel (leading edge or extream angle folds)
"F" free (control surfaces)
"G" gentle (wing and fuselage shaping)
Just had some fun coming up with this. Keep it up guys I enjoy watching.
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I'm using the same dollar tree foam so it's got to be the same thickness. I've gone over the plans double and triple checking everything. I've measured everything.
I better get off before I say something I shouldn't. I'll leave you with one word; balsa.
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Best of luck, I am sure we can help you get it straightened out (though I see this may not be relevant since your comment is a couple weeks old).
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This plane is good sensitive and easy to fly .
Keep it up...
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Once again, thanks.
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Once you glue pieces together or make a fold, if you screw it up, then you have to rebuild the part or destroy the old part to fix it, right? Well, I have 2 methods that I use all of the time if I need to make after the glue has dried.
My first and preferred method is to use a propane torch or some other heating element, and use it to heat up a curved exacto knife and use the knife to part the glued surfaces. By being careful with the hotblade you can neatly undo something that was already glued.
Another technique you can use, is use a hair dryer or heat gun to carefully and slowly heat up the surface or fold that you need to unglue. After a minute or so, the glue should get hot enough again to either rework the surface or simply pull your 2 glued surfaces apart.
These techniques have saved me many times, and they are pretty handy to have in your arsenal. Hope it helps someone =)
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Thanks, Ben.
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Thank you for great model.
After i finished model i got 1,147 grams weight with battery and electronic parts. Im using Turnigy D2836/8 1100KV with Slow Fly 10x4.7 prop. But I'm not sure about is will fly with that motor?
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What wheels are you using Josh in the video?
I put them to which I build.
Greetings all.
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Are there dimensions for the control horns?
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In general, you want the control horn to stick up, from the fuselage, about the same amount as the length of the servo arm. That way they both pivot through around the same angle. If your servo arm is 2cm, make the control horn about 2.4cm and stick the 0.4 part into the foam.
It's a rough rule which works a treat.
Have Fun!
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Hot glue works brilliantly. Try using a high-temp glue gun and practice a bit on some scrap foam. Also, test fit your parts a couple of times so you know exactly how they're going to go together before you apply glue.
Slower-setting glue can actually be a big problem because you run into the problem (like when gluing spars or wing trailing edges) of needing to clamp things in place. Hot glue sets fast enough (and with high temp glue, slowly enough) to allow you to just hold things, with your hands, for a minute or so and you're done.
Last thing: if you let your glue gun get up to temp, the hot glue will run well and not just set on the surface, it will grab onto every little nook and cranny it can :)
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Could you tell me the thickness of the foam to use? Is 5mm or 3mm?
Thanks in advance.
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its heavy and I haven't test it yet. over 1200 grams also its a few cm shorter.
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I was about to use three of them
http://www.plaisio.gr/zwgrafiki-hobby/maketa/xartoni/Neofoam-Card-Board-70x100cm-5mm-5MM-70%CE%A7100.htm which is too expensive.
So 3mm is thick enough to hold the structure of the plane and this http://www.plaisio.gr/zwgrafiki-hobby/maketa/xartoni/Neofoam-Card-Board-70x100cm-3mm-3MM-70%CE%A7100.htm will be ok, wouldn't be?
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How would this plane perform with a SunnySky X2212 KV980 motor and 10X4.7 prop? This setup provides a maximum of 870gm thrust.. Is it sufficient? What minimum thrust is required for good performance of this plane? Please help.
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Here is how to it:
1. Cut 8- 4" disks from foam board (FB)--4 for each wheel. I used black Dollar Tree FB to give the wheels a " real " look.
2. Cut 4-1.5" 1/16" plywood disks - 2 per wheel. These will be used on the outer sides of the wheels to reinforce the wheel.
3. I used a 5/32" od aluminum tube for the axle bearing. MAKE SURE THAT THE LANDING GEAR WILL FIT THROUGH THE TUBE! Drill a 5/32" hole in the center of each FB and plywood disk.
4. Dry fit one wheel--4 FB disks and two outer plywood disks with the aluminum tube. Cut the tube so that 1/8" of it protrudes from each side of the wheel.
5. To assemble the first wheel--slide a plywood disk onto the aluminum tube axle bearing. Make sure that 1/8" of the bearing is protruding from the plywood disk. Then hot melt glue a FB disk to the plywood disk--followed by three more FB disks hot melted to each other. Finish the wheel with a plywood disk. If done properly 1/8" of the axle bearing should be protruding from each side of the wheel.
6. To make a "tread"--wrap the tread of the wheel with black duct tape. Any tape that hangs over the side of the wheel can be cut and secured to the wheel side.
7. Make the second wheel as you did the first and you will have a matched set.
8. I used wheel collars to secured the wheels to the landing gear.
What you have is an inexpensive lightweight wheel that will be tough enough to last many flights. You can make any size wheel using this technique for the Storch or any other plane.
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the thickness of foam board that you are using
and what size of foam board will be required
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Sri, plan inlarge/ scale change looks alot like MATH. Its my Krypotnite..
Many thanks for the help!
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My name is Costa and I Love your show Guys, Wishing all the best and hope it will goes on for many..many Years to come...Start with the Hobby recently and im very excited. The FT stroch is gona be my first build...I will post some pictures of it very soon...Take Care....
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My CG is sitting 3 inches from the leading edge. Any ideas how I can get it further forward? i already have a 2200 right up in the nose.
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Going to attempt the Storch as my first scratch built plane... :)
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This is a awesome plane. I build this as my first plane and have been enjoying the experience a lot.
I'd suggest that you also offer a core kit for replacement as you have with other kits, or maybe even make a replaceable nose (and landing gear section) since this is the part that takes most of the hits when crashing.
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It looks like the power pod is square. The mini power pod has a down and right thrust angle as do all of my other planes. Won't absence of a dual thrust angle adversely affect the flight performance of this plane, or any other plane that uses it?
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As a RC building newby I'm thrilled with my Storch or at least up until yesterday!
If I was able to do it over I would have added small support strips along the interior of the fuselage walls to support or allow the bottom to rest on making gluing and aligning much simpler and eliminate the 19 degree hot glue burns I received!!
Again being a newby I expected a learning curve but not these painful burns!!
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Can you tell me if there are plans for UK expansion?
I am scratch building a Storch and would love to source quick build
Pre cut parts and electronic kits
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Thanks for answering !!
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I thought the Storch Tips video added some very valuable information that really enhances the main build video. It highlights some key features of the Storch design that I've been particularly intrigued with.
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