Custom plane hangar-hangers

by krisrilee | June 25, 2013 | (13) Posted in How To


I live in an apartment and I can't really put screws in the walls so Im stuck with push pins and command strips. The hangers are pretty stong so you can also mod this to hold onto helicopters, multirotor, and all sorts of stuff.

You can easily change it to fit other plane styles.



jack111 on July 10, 2013
soo cool

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vk2dxn on July 10, 2013
Awesome idea mate. Thumbs up indeed
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tramsgar on July 9, 2013
Thanks for the tip! I only got wooden hangers, but I'll give it a try.
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Krisko76651 on August 7, 2013
That the reason you get the BIG BUCKS!
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Custom plane hangar-hangers