Our first short film of the year featuring the MF-AK as the hero.
Susannah's Maiden
Susannah's Build Video
To the Flite Test Community:
This is the year of the girls in MESArc. Megan, Stormy, Susannah, and others are leading the pack this year in terms of new project ideas brought to you guys. This article features Susannah and her creation inspired by the DC Comic Arkham Knight series. She began the project in the last month of MESArc last year. After the summer off, she came back to her creation with a fresh mind and finalized it, leaving her mark on MESArc for years to come. Below is a picture of the plane in its presentation form for Altitude Hobbies done by 7th grade Marketing Director Daniel.
Susannah worked really hard to make sure all the CAD files were perfect, creating them to allow room for your changes too. Below are the files of the MF-AK build plans:
TILED PLANS: http://media.wix.com/ugd/fe25e6_54af5a45f65e4e9f9cbf36947b8c0456.pdf
FULLSIZE PLANS: http://media.wix.com/ugd/fe25e6_32f7328a566b40ad9207330eee85915e.pdf
The plans call for all the traditional specs and involve a different airfoil style. The two main top piece wings get placed in the designated areas marked by three oversized holes in the bottom main wing. They are glued in at an angle and then folded over to form the wing seen here:
Another key of the build is to make sure you glue the motor mount with a little space provided at the bottom, Susannah wanted to make it so the wires would go through easily under the motor mount and into the fuselage.
During flight the dual rates and expo should be around 75%-30% for ailerons and a little more for elevators, keeping the expo around that 30% magic number. This number will likely change depending on how tight you make the airfoil. No matter what, the plane flies great and has a lot of control to do some pretty cool aerobatics, leaving a ton of smiles.
As always, we sell the kits designed by our students as a way to help continue funding the program. If you would like to help and support the program, please visit our page to see what is available:
Thank you for reading and supporting the program, it helps keep the kids moving forward with new and crazy ideas to contribute to the hobby.
Congratulations on a job well done.
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