4 Minute Anti-Vibration Mobius Camera Mount

by apnewton | August 7, 2014 | (40) Posted in How To

Quick cheap and easy camera mount that reduces jelly view in your recorded footage. 

Using only one plastic ID card, 2 cable ties and 2 small rubber bands.

Step by step instructions, real time video and test videos below.

What you will need - 

ID card

4mm x 200mm cable ties x 2

small rubber bands x 2

Office hole punch, scissors, wire cutters, marker pen

Cut the ID card in half

Punch 4 holes in each half

Wrap 2 rubber bands around one half, towards the middle from the holes

Thread cable ties through the holes like this, making sure the join ends up between the holes and the two cards.

Start from the middle, pass the cable tie up through a hole, out and around the card edges.

Clip off the tails and it's all done. Mount the camera on the anti-vibe mount. Attach the mount to your aircraft using velcro, tape, glue or however you want and go record some smooth jelly free video.

Full assembly video in real time

Mount vs no-mount comparison on my Depron Spectre



RaiderC on August 25, 2014
Great article! This is almost exactly what I planned to do with zip ties for my mobius.
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apnewton on August 31, 2014
Thanks folks, glad to hear it's working for you. One issue I have noticed is that in a crash the camera seems to be launched off by the rubber bands and lands quite some distance away. I have spend too much time searching for a #16 or Mobius in grass, coastal scrub or beach sand. Some sort of tether may help.
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apnewton on August 23, 2014
For a lighter camera, like the 808 #16, thinner zip ties work better
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RoyBro on August 23, 2014
Nice tip. Thanks
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marc60 on August 24, 2014
Very ingenius, I like that a lot. Chapeau!
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andyshen on August 31, 2014
I have pink tape on mine, helps with spotting.
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apnewton on September 2, 2014
Good tip, thanks
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FoamFlyinFool on August 26, 2014
Soooo Simple But Soooo Effective this my friend is borderline genius Someone needs to buy this man a beer.
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apnewton on August 26, 2014
Beeer, I like beer. Thanks (not-a) fool
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steadfast4life on August 23, 2014
Yup, gonna use this one! Great idea!
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spazman on August 25, 2014
Looks a lot like the RCTestFlight dampener, although his is bigger and is meant for bigger cameras like a GoPro or DSLR. Great article!
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andyshen on August 31, 2014
Tried it, worked amazingly well, better than any anti jello technique I've tried. Amazing! Going again tomorrow with thinner zip ties. Thank you!
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trumpeteer on August 24, 2014
that's brilliant, nice work!!
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CVogel63 on September 8, 2014
Thanks for the great idea :-)
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danallen82 on August 26, 2014
Ahh I like the simplicity! Now I got to find a way to adapt it for a HoryzonHD with tilt servo. I'm glad you mostly used the term anti-vib, instead of jello. Sry, its my second most pet peeve.
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j.VIzzon on August 23, 2014
Definitely going to try this one. Thanks!
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stormboy on August 23, 2014
Very user friendly article. Great clear pics and I always love a video in addition to photos (cause my brain takes a bit longer to understand things these days ....)
Now .... where are my cable ties?
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RoyBro on August 23, 2014
I love the creativity and cheapness of this community.

Great share.
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ashtodust2000 on August 24, 2014
Nice job, Great video.
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Old Cobra Pilot on August 28, 2014
Since becoming a member of the Flite Test community, I have seen so many remarkable ideas put into actual practice. This is definitely one of those remarkable ideas. The MOST IMPRESIVE part of the FT community is the fact that everyone is willing to share without sticking their hand out. This is truly AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!
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rcflyer729 on August 23, 2014
looks really good
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FunkeyMonk on August 29, 2014
Thanks very much for this article. I have an arial photography project to film tomorrow morning, and this just solved my BAD jello problem! Worked like a charm.
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burgi on August 27, 2014
Great! Thanks for sharing. Works beautiful.
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trimsky on August 29, 2014
Pretty cool. I built one! Thanks!
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dgreno on August 30, 2014
Thanks for a great article. I built one this morning and flew it today on a number of aircraft... it worked great.
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butch.bohrer on October 3, 2014
"AWSOME" and CHEAP, what maybe a dollar or less ??? THANKS A BUNCH for sharing your ideas to the world & me !! Bye HK I've found a camera mount for less.
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MLParker1 on May 1, 2015
I attempted this mount as well on my 450mm quad, I did a before and after, and yes I realize i should balance these props, Ive been lazy and having fun trying to get faster and tighter (thus breaking props)


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MLParker1 on May 1, 2015
But many thanks to you sir, good job with the idea! Thanks!
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4 Minute Anti-Vibration Mobius Camera Mount