Experimental Airlines on Youtube

by gKadonoff | May 8, 2012 | (17) Posted in Tips

For anyone getting started in scratch building, your in luck. A few months ago I discovered a guy on youtube who has a bunch of videos about building scratch built foam board planes. The thing that makes him special, besides his informative videos, is  his technique. I had never seen anything like it, and since I found him I haven't built a plane without using some of his ideas. 


Anyone who already knows this guy probably agrees with me on this one. 

Just thought I should share.


bmsweb on May 12, 2012
Great videos man! some fantastic ideas . . Top Stuff
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G.Collins on May 9, 2012
Nice one Ed, I have been following your stuff for a while now, Great stuff. keep it up.
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Josh Bixler on May 12, 2012
You are a very talented man brother! I really like the look and design of your wings. I look forward to seeing more of your vids.
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mountaindewdude76 on May 8, 2012
I have to definately agree. His name is Ed, at Experiemental Airlines on YouTube.com. He is very good at what he does and he is very helpful if you have questions. Such a good guy. I've built several planes recently with the Dollar Tree foamboard using his techniques and methods. Check him out!
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RC Dad on May 9, 2012
I'm relatively new to RC and got right into building planes from foam and plans I find online. I built the Axon by watching Ed's Videos. Best plane so far (given, it is the only high wing type I made). Love the techniques he demonstrates - he is very detailed. Also, Ed is very engaged. He responds to inquires both through YouTube and his RC Groups Thread. Thanks again Ed!
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RemodNC on May 8, 2012
I'll tell you what,,,Experimental Airlines is an extremely informative collection of videos and uploads on RC Groups detailing his system of scratchbuilding simple, flyable aircraft! And his Armin Wing is simple, elegant, strong and easy. Excellent addition g.
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treadd on May 10, 2012
Have to agree with everyone else. If you want to get a plane in the air with minimal fuss and cost, watch Ed's videos. I've already built 3 planes using his techniques. You cant go wrong. Dollar Tree foam board FTW! Building a nice, functional plane (with a super easy and very effective airfoil wing) for literally a couple bucks is just awesome.
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RCDZK2011 on May 9, 2012
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Auteur47 on October 23, 2013
Ed is a superb promoter of, and a great asset to the RC flying hobby. His low key amiable style in his videos make his lessons easy to take. All the while the content is highly organized providing tons of info. Check out Ed's channel on YouTube. There is a goldmine of DIY RC flying information there!
I'm in the process of building an Axon plane. This will be my first foray into an RC airplane. The project is shaping up to be a great way of getting started in this hobby at minimal expense. Otherwise I am flying a Simple-T copter that I built following the Hall Studio YouTube videos.
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flyingloon on February 22, 2014
I have been modeling and flying Rc for sometime, but recently I have started the dollar tree low-buck planes, which started with Ed's designs and moved into FT planes. Frankly I find these planes to be more fun!! Thanks ED.
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Mukhdi on July 19, 2015
Ed ... i use his plane for "fly and crash" period of my newbie time .. The Axon
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piku25 on April 15, 2017
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Experimental Airlines on Youtube