200 % Scaled MF-18 Hornet

by MESA RC | October 17, 2014 | (18) Posted in Projects

To the FliteTest Community,

Just a quick article on our latest project with our latest program installment to the MESArcFF program called ELITE.  The Expansion of MESArcFF has always been a goal for the program, in 2014 this will become a reality. Ex MESArcFF students as well as other high school students from Loveland High will have the opportunity to expand the skills learned in MESArcFF at the next level. The Engineering concept will still take place, however, increased rigour in projects as well as involvement in local aeronautical industries will take place. This program will also continue production on content to be displayed on our show, so stay tune with where the Elite students can take the program.

The students of ELITE are taking us to the production of the MF-18 scaled up 200 percent, they wanted to do something huge as a way to say thanks for HUGE support that all the KickStarters had done for the start of the program.  If we could not have raised those funds, this program would have failed to exist and the cool opportunities these students are tackling this year would have been just dreams.  Well ELITE is a reality now and there is some cool projects in development as we speak.

Enjoy the video and thanks to all for your on going support of the program, we are trully blessed to have such a great community here at FliteTest.



Dri fitting the pieces


Getting ready for some paint


Top view


Stickers printed out to go on plane

Came out pretty cool!


All proud smiles


flight monkey on October 20, 2014
Looking good ! Now that is a thing of beauty.
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aidan35 on November 14, 2014
I wanted to start an rc group of my own, how did you guys manage this?

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MESA RC on November 17, 2014
Lots of work, however, working with FliteTest to create something that will make this more of a reality for clubs. Stay tuned.

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cade861 on October 17, 2014
Now you just need to put dual EDF's on it with some landing gear and flaps!
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MESA RC on October 19, 2014
Now that would be crazy! Future plan for that idea, thanks for the tip.
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Kevinjt4 on October 21, 2014
What is the recommended power/esc/battery setup?
What type of servos did you use (still the typical 9gm size?)
What is the wing span and model length at 200%?
Are the elevators on the revised plans (July 4th or something) on the normal size plans big enough for the 200% upscaled plane? You mentioned that the elevators may not be big enough for such a larger plane? What do you recommend in the size of elevator (length or width, or both?)

thanks for your time.
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btallis on October 17, 2014
two words... Awe-Some! Looks like a blast to fly. I think flaps would be cool, too.
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MESA RC on October 19, 2014
Should have, just wanted to see if you would actually fly, lol. Looking forward to this week, hehe!
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Bech on October 18, 2014
Great job guys! Your program is an inspiration....keep up the awesome work.
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MESA RC on October 19, 2014
Thanks Bech for the kind comment, thanks for watching and supporting the program, take care.
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HilldaFlyer on November 5, 2014
Great plane! I'm going to make one now.
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aidan35 on November 14, 2014
by the way. that is amazing!

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Claymanpv on November 4, 2014
I think with Elevons (4x4) you would have rolled much easier. Great work. I would love to lead a group of young pilots in RC modeling.
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LordVader on October 17, 2014
Now that is just down right Awesome! You guys are definitely pushing the envelope on this baby. Would love to build that bird.:)
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MESA RC on October 19, 2014
It looked too cool to fly, we didn't want to ruin it, just look at it, haha. Thanks,
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200 % Scaled MF-18 Hornet