Scary and fast Quadcopter DIVE (video cut off)

by RCSchim | October 17, 2014 | (5) Posted in Just Fun

I have this "Powerquad" (aka TrinCopter) that is heavy but overpowered and fitted with 5000mah 4cell. I know now that it uses around 29amps at hover and 60amps on full throttle! That means you don't fly long with it - but fast. Long enough to reach out for some mountains ;-) (7+mins)
I wanted to dive down the "Mittagsstein" again. I already visited this, best quality video there so far would be the 2nd part of this here:
Again I've been very nervous while flying close to those rocks so far up there and rushed down, a bit too far on the wrong side of the mountain and got behind some trees and got terrible video (and that with 120km downhill diving!).
After this I switched KK2 flightcontrol to Naza Lite + GPS - so I would have return home on emergencies. It may now be harder to get decent diving with Naza - but more security (and maybe lower pulse for me).

The other flights were a bit further in the woodlands - nice proximity there. And also the Ruins of Klamm (visited them often) were great to fly at. Last Vid shows my attempt to fly up to a very high mountain to film the huge terrestrial TV antennas up there (hiked up before and did some measurements = OK). But it was too high, I was too chicken - gave up around 80% of the distance. Liked how the cheap Gopro3 lookalike "Hawkeye" cam performed here (it was a hazy day!).


RCElement on October 17, 2014
You did a very nice job! It’s something different than all those flying wings. Again, very impressive ;)
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RCSchim on October 17, 2014
You were right in your first comments - no need to delete ;-) A wing would be better for dives. Could fly longer... BUT: I really like the flexibility of multicopters. you can start and land them everywhere - that's the huge adv. of VTOLS!
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Scary and fast Quadcopter DIVE (video cut off)