076 Parkzone Night Visionaire Review

by FliteTest | May 30, 2015 | (5) Posted in Podcasts

It was a full studio for the FTAfterhours podcast with Chris,Wayne,Mike and Andre. Horizon Hobby was the main focus with the Night Visionaire review and a ton of new products that were released.Listen in as Mike talks about his Epic crash and recovery. Trust me its a good one. Thanks for lisstening.


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Carson on May 30, 2015
Glad there's another instalment of after hours!
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HilldaFlyer on June 24, 2015
Hey Andre, If you are after programming the Taranis for APM flight modes, check this article out. Programming the Taranis with the APM Flight modes - with voice announcements. Enjoy
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krinaman on June 15, 2015
Having recently purchased a night visionaire I have to say what a great plane. I usually fly just about everything I bring to the field (even when I just bought I new plane) but since buying the visionaire I pretty much lost any desire to fly anything but it.
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andre on June 15, 2015
Yeah that is pretty common. You find that one plane and it fits the bill on several levels.

That is how I feel about the the Sukhoi Su-29. I get into a pattern where I fly it pretty often but then it sits for a few weeks while I work on other flying packages.

The big thing is you enjoy it ;)
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TimmyGT on May 31, 2015
You guys are gonna make me get a radian....you guys gush about it on about 50 podcasts out of 76, time to get one lol
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Blue02tj on June 1, 2015
I feel the same way. I almost bought the UMX Radian yesterday at the LHS but put it down last minute for a blade nano FPV the other show favorite lol
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FliteTest on May 31, 2015
You won't regret it! - Chris
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markmark on June 3, 2015
Wow !
You guys are the greatest !! I am usually walking my dog and listening to the podcast . Only time I get to listen to anything. I almost fell in the ditch from laughing at the Visionaire crash ! Hang In there Mike . I am going thru the same thing . Gotta have that CHARPU mentality !
Keep up the good work on the podcasts .
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HilldaFlyer on June 24, 2015
Andre - another great thing about the Taranis is that if you make a DSM2/DSMX external module, it will have model memory for all of your current DSM2/DSMX receivers. It is great! Here is the article.
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apnewton on June 1, 2015
You guys crack me up. So entertaining, love the way you tell your crash stories.
+1 for OpenTX and Taranis. I have most of the sensors and the one I use all the time is the 40A current sensor, not for current but for mAh consumed, so useful. You can get a 9X module for it too and keep all your cheap 9X receivers for the planes that don't need telemetry. Keep the podcast coming.
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Kurt0326 on June 1, 2015
I've had my Taranis for over a year. I still haven't learned everything it can do. I highly recommend it, until the next awesome open TX radio comes out. You can seek help at http://forum.flitetest.com/showthread.php?9788-Fr-Sky-Taranis-Chat-Questions-Answers-Share&highlight=Taranis+chat in our forums. Can't wait to here what you have in mind next guys!
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micha3l19 on June 3, 2015
Would love to see a group photo of the flitetest podcast crew. So we can put a face to the people that talk.
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donnyb on May 31, 2015
I love my Taranis too! They really put a lot of thought in it. Also I believe there is 60 models you have before you use the sd card. Another plus is that it has a programmable fail safe!!! A little bit intimidating at first. Lol
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PaladinDG on May 31, 2015
Ditto! I liked mine so much that after 2 weeks I sold my old 9CAP with a FrSky module and my sons Spektrum DX7 bought another Taranis. I was leary to upgrade the firmware but it is SO nice to be able to setup models on the computer. It is a little intimidating at first, but once you get a couple basic principles you can program anything. There is a GREAT series on the Painless 360 YouTube channel.... highly recommend anyone that has a Taranis or is even thinking about getting a Taranis to watch the videos, the guy really breaks it down into easy steps. The Taranis can be a little hard to find some times because they sell out fast, and NOW I know why!!
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HilldaFlyer on June 9, 2015
Great Podcast. I love my Taranis too - for $200, there is no better value. Had this been available a few years ago, I would not have purchased the DX6i. Note that one of the limitations to using the OrangeRx Tx module, it doesn't support model memory. The first first addition for my Taranis was to build a Spektrum Tx Module: http://flitetest.com/articles/spektrofy-your-taranis with a Tx board from a Spektrum DX4e (which is the same as the DX5e). I picked up a used DX4e for $20 and put a few dollars into components and it is well worth it. I can now fly my 15 models that have DMSX Rx and the Taranis remembers which model - up to 60.

Like mentioned in the podcast, the Taranis supports two Rx, so you can run both internal Tx (FrSky) and external Tx (DSMX) module for 16 channels without using PPM. I think the internal FrSKy Tx supports 2 Rx (channels 1-8 and then 9-16), but I haven't tried that yet.
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Ano Pilot on June 1, 2015
Outstanding podcast guys ! Mike, don't give up. I think you've just made some bad choices of what and when to fly. REALLY interesting how you climbed the tree, wow ! Also, surely what we learn from this IS precisely that an illuminated plane will DISTORT depth perception: the lit object seeming much closer than the shaded one. Something to watch out for. Poor Mike, it wan't your fault.
From you'alls recommendation, I've got a Radian, which bores me, and a Sukhoi, which just keeps on getting better and better. With the Sukhoi trimmed for slowest possible level flight, landing is easy. Such a damned shame the ailerons aren't on separate channels, because I would have loved to try a touch of flaperon.

One good EDUCATIONAL crash story, like yours here, is better than a dozen idiotic ones. Surely idiocy shouldn't be encouraged. imho it's no good quoting idiot's stories and then complaining about idiots flying drones where, or how, they shouldn't.

Again, excellent podcast, thanks.
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PeterGregory on June 2, 2015
Great Podcast, got my weekly fix.
You guys do great with this and I feel I am there in the room with you.
Although I am sorry you had to go through the treetop ordeal, it sure was funny after the fact.
Way to follow thru and get the job done.
Poughkeepsie Pete
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Epitaph on June 4, 2015
Hey Andre, seeing as you're starting to get into gliders a bit and you were asking about what the sliders are for on the Taranis, one thing they are used for on motor-gliders is for the motor!! Usually the "throttle" stick when controlling gliders is for controlling either spoilers or butterfly/crow configuration, and the motor, seeing as it's not used much is controlled by a slider. Might be something you would want t get used to with the Radian seeing as I can see you slowly slipping into the glider fold hehehe
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andre on June 5, 2015
Interesting idea.
I'm going to move the Radian over the FRSky first and go from there.

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Tri blades on July 11, 2015
my favorite episode
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076 Parkzone Night Visionaire Review