- Flite Test Forum:http://forum.flitetest.com/showthread.php?22898-The-Flite-Test-Community-Podcast
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Welcome to our New Members:
- GuW http://forum.flitetest.com/member.php?22511-GuW 1-03-2016
- Robotbeetle http://forum.flitetest.com/member.php?22494-Robotbeetle 01-02-2016
- Mattheflyer http://forum.flitetest.com/member.php?22493-Mattheflyer 01-02-2016
- patcojack http://forum.flitetest.com/member.php?22492-patcojack 01-02-2016
- photogdad http://forum.flitetest.com/member.php?22482-photogdad 01-01-2016
- Sam Bob Joe http://forum.flitetest.com/member.php?22479-Sam-Bob-Joe 01-01-2016
- garblezouth http://forum.flitetest.com/member.php?22471-garblezouth 01-01-2016
- Byter182 http://forum.flitetest.com/member.php?22478-Byter182 01-01-2016
- Bobzilla http://forum.flitetest.com/member.php?22464-Bobzilla 12-31-2015
- Foamy RC http://forum.flitetest.com/member.php?22457-Foamy-RC 12-31-2015
- jco2641 http://forum.flitetest.com/member.php?22448-jco2641 12-30-2015
- Velodrom http://forum.flitetest.com/member.php?22447-Velodrom 12-30-2015
- jetdesignco http://forum.flitetest.com/member.php?22444-jetdesignco 12-30-2015
- WeeVikes http://forum.flitetest.com/member.php?22441-WeeVikes 12-29-2015
- ranthalas http://forum.flitetest.com/member.php?22431-ranthalas 12-29-2015
- Flite Kid http://forum.flitetest.com/member.php?22430-Flite-Kid 12-29-2015
- aburke252 http://forum.flitetest.com/member.php?22425-aburke252 12-29-2015
- patent passion http://forum.flitetest.com/member.php?22421-patent-passion 12-29-2015
- amirmz http://forum.flitetest.com/member.php?22405-amirmz 12-28-2015
- Kenneth Vonk http://forum.flitetest.com/member.php?22403-Kenneth-Vonk 12-28-2015
- Donnerweer http://forum.flitetest.com/member.php?22398-Donnerweer 12-28-2015
- Homey http://forum.flitetest.com/member.php?22501-Homey 01-03-2016
- thehess6 http://forum.flitetest.com/member.php?22381-thehess6 12-26-2015
- Nakano http://forum.flitetest.com/member.php?22375-Nakano 12-26-2015
- mbandelow http://forum.flitetest.com/member.php?22374-mbandelow 12-26-2015
- James_uk http://forum.flitetest.com/member.php?22361-James_uk 12-25-2015
- circle&stripes http://forum.flitetest.com/member.php?22359-circle-amp-stripes 12-25-2015
- sigrana http://forum.flitetest.com/member.php?22355-sigrana 12-24-2015
- pepeuserafa http://forum.flitetest.com/member.php?22348-pepeuserafa 12-23-2015
- lennywin http://forum.flitetest.com/member.php?22346-lennywin 12-23-2015
- aykorilhan http://forum.flitetest.com/member.php?22340-aykorilhan 12-23-2015
- BaLaNcE_FPV http://forum.flitetest.com/member.php?22338-BaLaNcE_FPV 12-22-2015
- flightofphx http://forum.flitetest.com/member.php?22327-flightofphx 12-21-2015
- SimplyDoug http://forum.flitetest.com/member.php?22315-SimplyDoug 12-21-2015
- boldfin http://forum.flitetest.com/member.php?22307-boldfin 12-20-2015
- Killa Watt http://forum.flitetest.com/member.php?22305-Killa-Watt 12-20-2015
- hozzy14 http://forum.flitetest.com/member.php?22304-hozzy14 12-20-2015
- oncestruck http://forum.flitetest.com/member.php?22303-oncestruck 12-20-2015
- Pat rebuilding the Cub and the Stearman… Slope Soaring… HK Mini DLG… Joshua Orchard, Ryan Papp, Seth Papp went to Pat’s and built stuff.
- Mike X wing from AirHogz… To low power for it, needs more!!!
- Joel HK Mini DLG, loves it! Needs to change switch position, or radio using the Tactic. Lost the HMB LOL!!! Needs a beeper on his HMB… Met Ben and Michael Angelo
- Josh and Hope Flew the HK Mini DLG and are not happy with it… Flew some rubber powered freeflight home built models as well.
Josh and Hope Finn
- US nationals is July 20-24 at Chanute AFB in Rantoul, IL
- Kent Cat II annual, April 17
- West Baden Springs Cat III, March 19-20
- Peach State Championship, March 12
- Indoor World Championship, April 11-16, Slanic Prahova, RO
- https://nffsblog.wordpress.com/2012/08/11/draft-draft/ - Jim Richmond
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tZOe8OvGjXw - twin canard pusher
- http://www.outerzone.co.uk/browse_plans/category_results.asp?Level=3&Cat1=FF&Cat2=Rubber&Cat3=Sport - Recommended:
- http://customers.hbci.com/~bkuhl/billkuhl.htm - Bill Kuhl
- http://jhaerospace.com/ - Rocket Glider kits and Josh Finn’s Store.
A girl in the hobby NICE! Hope keep trying thats the way to learn don't give up!
I had a maximum flight of around 20 min with my DLG hehe (Big thermal it was around the 80 meters high or so) but it ended with a DLG flying nose in to the ground because my dx6i didn't have radio contact for 2 sec luckly i had radio contact again before it crashed straight into the ground.
At my family its my dad, my little brother, my mom is helping at the bar on the RC field and I am also flying so flying family ^^
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I love what you guys are doing.
But I do have one little suggestion.
Had I not gone into this articles section...I would have missed this podcast entirely...
And had I not looked very, very, closely...I would have thought this was just another regular article that included a lot of links.
The red button containing the white arrow that starts the podcast is just too small...
It kind of blends in with the background...
You need a large bold font saying..."Hey This Is A New Podcast"..."To Listen, Click The Red Button Immediately Below"...
But more importantly...99.99% of the time I never go into the Articles Section.
I look for podcasts off the Main Menu directly to the Podcast Listings Section.
I noticed that the Community Podcasts are now listed there...but this one has not been added.
Everyone loves these podcasts...
I must admit, I enjoy listening to the podcasts way more than viewing the videos.
So podcast junkies like me start complaining when they seem to be tardy.
We're suffering withdrawl symptoms...having no idea that a new podcast has been available for days...
It's just a matter of finding our where it is hiding...
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Timestamps for topic changes so we can skip straight to the topics of intrest were looking for.
Thanks and keep up the good work!
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