Here's the full step by step video tutorial showing how to assemble your FT Versa Wing kit. This laser cut wing kit is also available as a scratch build with the free build plans available below.
On your speed build kit there is an extra fold that will need glued and taped. This is setup to allow for the wing to fit inside of our low rate shipping boxes.
Reinforcing the inside of the wing with hot glue will give your wing long lasting strength.
When you fold your wing there will be an off-set, you will want to keep that width consistent along the entire side when glueing.
And that's one wing complete, this kit assembles in a very short time.
When glueing your other wing, be sure to match the spacing on the back of your wing.
The wing is designed to allow for a very quick assembly and you can true up everything easily with sandpaper.
A few passes on 100 grit sandpaper is all it takes to get everything straight and fitting snuggly.
Check to see if everything lines up and you're ready to start glueing!
Some hot glue to connect your wing halves and your wing is almost complete!
Our linkage stoppers work great for this wing.
The FT Control Horns come with the speed build kit and can be purchased separately for those of you scratch building.
A zip-tie connected to a BBQ skewer to secure the back your power pod.
Click HERE to see the Power Pod Build video if you need to assemble your power pod.
Balance is very important with a wing and we've added a CG mark to the bottom of the wing to help you.
The battery, in combination with additional nose weight can be adjusted to keep the wing slightly nose heavy.
We hope you have fun building your FT Versa Wing! Be sure to share your builds and mods!
FT Versa Wing Pusher / FPV Conversion tutorial available below:
This conversion is done with the FT Elements Simple Firewall.
FREE Build Plans:
FT Versa Wing [ FULL SIZE ]
FT Versa Wing [ TILED ]
Recommended equipment:
FT Control Horns
FT Elements Simple Firewall
Power Pack C
Emax ES08A II Servo
BLHeli Series 30amp ESC
Lumenier 2250 mAh 3s 35C Battery
Linkage Stoppers
Push Rods
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The cheapest is something like the HobbyKing 4ch for $25: http://www.hobbyking.com/hobbyking/store/__8337__Hobby_King_2_4Ghz_4Ch_Tx_Rx_V2_Mode_1_.html
But if you want something that's affordable and represents good value, then you can't go past the Turnigy/FlySky/Eurgle 9X radio for around $70.
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Anyone else having trouble with the CG on the plan? Mine would only nose dive with the stock CG, even with heavy up trim. It flew well about 3/4" back from the holes. Still doing some tuning...
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Part of the problem was I couldn't tell what the elevon neutral position was supposed to be - relative to the top or bottom of the wing. Relative to the top of the wing made it fly (poorly) even though it was tail heavy. Where I ended up today was elevons almost parallel to the bottom of the wing. Next time my newbie eyes know what to watch for.
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Try starting with your CG back 6-10 mm from the stock location. Also set the neutral position on the elevons relative to the flat bottom of the wing - not the top of the wing. I'm not sure this is the "normal" way, but that's what I found. That's where mine became flyable. Then, if you see any pitch (up/down) instability, move the CG forward incrementally, which should allow you to dial down the elevon neutral position.
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Living in China I don't really desperately have to make planes myself ;) but there's some fun in building, too.
Versa flies really well even on a weak setup.
I started a thread at rcg (http://www.rcgroups.com/forums/showthread.php?t=2004694) with some tech information.
One thing to mention on a negative side: Versa was designed to carry a GoPro, or a deadweight equal to GP. However GP is not the only option for an onboard HD video device; and after Mobius came to play I believe within a year we will see more and more options - lighter, less boxy and producing equally good if not better video. But as Versa was made for GP, we have to drag this useless weight of 110 g...
Otherwise, a great and funny plane. Thanks Josh!
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Finished it at 18.5 oz. I put light packing tape over the whole structure to keep moisture from getting at the paper adhesive.
Wonder what everyone else is ending up with weight and similar power.
I am thinking the power might be a little light.
Motor is Tower Pro 2809-12 1400kv with a 7x4 prop and 1300ma 3s battery.
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-2200mah turnigy
-8X4e prop
-25-30a esc (HK) SS series
-d2826 turnigy
I used a gutter downspout bracket folded into triangle as the motor mount (AL) in pusher, and put all items on top of wing for grass landings.
Also used rubber band (2) to hold the battery to the tip with coat hanger wire like paper clip as mount.
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After 2 or 3 flights with the FT Spitfire, I hacked the front off my power pod and did a permanent installation. It's much stronger, much less fussing around between flights, and there's heaps of room inside to mount my electronics the way I want to.
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One minor issue in the download plans:
You give the drawing for the Simple Firewall, which is great, and the powerpod, but you forgot the firewall for the powerpod, which would be useful too..
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What's the thickness of the foamboard? 3 or 5mm?
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(And remember to remove the prop while on the bench =)
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Motor = http://www.hobbyking.com/hobbyking/store/__28115__D2830_11_1000kv_Brushless_Motor_USA_Warehouse_.html
Prop = APC 9 X 7.5 (a 9 X 6 or even a 9 X 4.7 should work fine, too)
Battery = Turnigy 2200mah 25C
ESC = Red Brick 30A
I initially had an 8 X 4.3 prop in the pusher configuration thinking a little prop spinning fast would be okay. It seemed under powered given my 1000KV motor wasn't the recommended size or KV. My first take off attempt flew about 5 feet and then nosed into the ground. I changed props and that made all the difference in the world. It now has more than enough power from a $10 motor and I can fly 10+ minutes at about 1/2 throttle. Make sure the prop is on correctly (numbers facing forward) and the motor is turning the right direction (lots of air being pushed out the back).
I found that Josh's 12 degree elevon deflection recommendation didn't work for my configuration. I increased mine to about 25 degrees with 50% exponential - single rates. I put about an ounce of nose weight (sticky backed wheel weights from Harbor Freight) and placed the battery as far forward as I could (perpendicular to the center line of the wing). It balances perfectly, but inverted flight and stalls show it to be a tad nose heavy. I suggest moving the CG aft about 1/4" - 3/8".
I'm finding (with wings) the take off is less about throwing it and more about letting it fly out of your hand. I've had a couple of scary (inverted) take offs when I threw it into the air. You should be able to give it full throttle and have to physically resist it from flying away from you. If it won't, try the largest prop your motor will take with the biggest bite (second number in the prop size). My technique for pushers, right or wrong, is to grab the leading edge of the left wing tip with my right hand - palm facing backwards. Set the right wing tip on the ground to my right and slight behind me. Apply full throttle until the right wing tip starts coming up level with the left. Rotate your arm up which naturally moves the nose up about 20 degrees and let it fly out of your hand. It should be one continuous, graceful motion. :)
I hope this is helpful. My buddies and I do streamer combat with the FT Flyer right now. We're looking to upgrade our speed (and potential for all-out mayhem) so the Versa Wing seems like the next logical step. Keep up the great work FliteTest. We appreciate it!
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We fly almost every weekend.
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Is the Prop too little to pull it?
Also, any tips for a maiden flight on this one? I have no experience with wings so far.
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Great plan,
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On the PDF plans, the recommended motor is "29g 1300kV minimum." I believe they are using the Blue Wonder 24g motor, 9x4.7 prop and 1000mah battery in the video.
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The biggest plus for me on this flying wing is the idea of using two pieces for the wing rather than one folded over peace, and the use if a simple foam spar. A light and yet strong build.
Thank you again.
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I am also in the processes of building my wing and thinking about using the Rimfire .10 motor. Does anyone have any idea if this will be enough? I would love it to be as fast as Josh's speed challenge version. http://www.electrifly.com/motors/gpmg4505.html
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Could you guys edit the plans just a little bit though? Pages 8 & 16 have no alignment markers.
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I'm a multi-rotor flyer and I wanted to try a flying wing for FPV. However I really want (need) to have a rudder. So I was thinking about making a custom Versa Wing with 2x power-pods. Possibly with small motors like the blue wonder.
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Great job FT Team as always.
Nick.(new foam board builder)
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I was how ever thinking of making the spars a little thicker or even adding another strip of foam board along the top of the spar. This will make the wing a bit thicker and allow more room for the battery. Does anyone know what kind of changes in flight this will cause? I am not to fussed about "top speed".
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For the motor mount I used the "essentials" firewall available from the Flite Test store and followed the instructions in the build video. I mounted the Rx and ESC on top of the wing and cut out the battery compartment as far forward as possible -from the leading edge towards the motor mount. I had to add 2 oz of lead to the front of the wing to get the proper balance and this does not inhibit the performance of the wing. I am using a 200 watt motor with a 6x4 prop and a 3 cell 2200mah battery. I added a small keel to the bottom to aid in launching. The result is a very fast, aerobatic plane!! Also, be sure to follow Josh's tip to strengthen the pushrods--the use of a bamboo skewer. The only problem that I have had is the over flexing of the pushrods which causes the aileron to fold over the wing--which results in a tight spin and the skewer has corrected the problem . The Versa is a great design!! Thanks Flite Test for the plans and design!!
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One recommendation: to help beginners from overseas It would be great if you could get more details to motors and servos since the ones you recommend aren't available in the EU warehouse.
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I'm now building my SECOND FT Versa Wing. It'll have a Turnigy 2826 6 2200kv motor with a 6X4 APC style prop. This should result in about 1KG of thrust. I was originally going to install this new motor in a pusher configuration. However, I found that I'd have to put so much extra weight on the plane, I questioned how much extra performance I'd actually get from the plane. If you're thinking about doing a pusher conversion, watch the FT video close.....they end up having to install a 3000mah battery and a GoPro to balance it out!! In my particular case, I had found that I might be able to balance my setup by using a 3300mah battery installed at the very front of the plane. In the end, I went back to a modified approach. My motor will balance out if I install the speed controller right behind the motor and then pit my 1800mah battery behind the speed controller.....with the battery AND speed controller going INSIDE of the powerpod. This build will also include some LED lights inside the wing. I'm hoping I can have this ready fro night flying at Joe Nall!
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You can also use an open source command called "pdf2svg" - this converts pdf files to svg files, suitable for direct import into QCAD. The pdf2svg tool is also available for (32-bit) Windows.
I'd rather convert the files and from there it is VERY SIMPLE to dimension and even scale the plans to suit.
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Question: With full size plans, how large do I make them to print out on blueprint size paper printer?
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I did a post-mortem investigation into why I would have this kind of experience when everyone else raves about the handling of this wing. I discovered that I made a mistake when mounting the 2200mAH battery. It wouldn't fit in the power pod, and I didn't want it hanging under the pod hitting the ground on a skid landing, so I velcroed to the top of the wing behind the spar. Even though it balanced statically, I think the fact that the battery was so high over the CG, that it made the model top-heavy. As soon as the plane tipped away from level, the weight of the battery caused the balance to shift toward the low part of the plane. This would explain why my trim appeared to constantly be changing.
I'm going to build a new one, but I am looking for input on where others are mounting their batteries on tractor-style wings. Can I cut a hatch on the top and mount it down in the wing? Should I mount it under the wing, next to the power pod? Share your battery locations please.
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Just maidened mine in 20-25 mph winds. Never flew a wing before and never flew in such wind before. Set it up as a pusher. Had to set rates to 50 and expo to 50 but I got her flying reasonably well.
After a very very gentle landing, the motor mount ripped right out, taking the foam with it!!! I couldn't believe it. On further inspection, I noticed that the foam ripped out rather neatly.
I followed the instructions in the video, using my knife to remove the paper before gluing in the motor mount. Guess I scored the lines a little too deep, because that rectangle of foam was still securely glued to the mount, but no longer to the paper! So, if you plan on building a pusher, I suggest you be very careful when removing the paper with your knife!
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Soon it will maiden :)
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APC 9x6 props
3S 2200 mAh 25c
Emax XA2212 1400KV Brushless Motor CW + Simonk 20A ESC
2x TowerPro MicroServo 9g SG90
..thinking about flying this with APM later for following targetpoints.
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I just started to get into the RC airplans , and I want to build FT versa wing with Blunt nose conversion (no FPV)
Can someone please recommend for a setup??
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