Delta G Combat/FPV Wing

by GB-air | August 30, 2013 | (0) Posted in Projects

Here it is! My best wing yet!

A look at the underside. I routed in a line in the EPP for the carbon tube with a dremel. That was probably one of the hardest parts of the build.

I put the winglets at a slight angle and reinforced them with small carbon rods at the base.

5 gram servos where used with carbon push-rods. I cut a piece of extreme packing tape in half and used welders glue to secure it because I ran out of blenderm.

Just a simple power system. I used a blue wonder, 8040 prop, 10 amp ESC, and a 3s 450mah pack.

Here's a closer look at the top of the wing. It has great potential for FPV, due to extremely stable flight and no pitchiness. It's also great for combat. I will soon post a video for more information and flight footage. Upon request, I would be more than happy to provide plans. A second version of the Delta G should come pretty soon!

Thanks a lot!



Zatoichi on September 4, 2013
Nice one man! I like it.=D
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GB-air on September 4, 2013
Thanks so much! I'm sorry for the late video; still trying to find some descent video camera equipment. I will tell a little bit more about the delta-g in the video!
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GB-air on September 4, 2013
Oh, and I will soon have a little bit of information about myself on the "About me" section of my account. I will take recommendations for ideas for future posts, even if they are wild or whacky! I will take on any challenge asked!
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Renceww3 on September 4, 2013
looks nice,
what kind of flight time do you get out of that setup?
i my self am researching for a setup that will fly the longest.
you took a small motor, ESC and lipo, things i think are the key to long flight times.
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GB-air on September 4, 2013
I can get from 7-10 minutes of flight time, depending on the aggression I fly. It still delivers pretty well, and I am used to 5 minute flight times, so it's long for me. This is a great little power system that I use for many of my aircraft. Five star recommendation from me!
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GB-air on September 3, 2013
Please feel free to ask any questions or comments!
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GB-air on February 5, 2014
I use it for slope soaring now. It's really fun.
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Delta G Combat/FPV Wing