As all we know, that DT750 is the best motor for power/efficiency vs price, but the motor design with extra large bell makes it very prone to vibration.
After a long time working with this motor and using APM 2.5 with AC 3.x firmware, which is very much hate in vibration, this is what I could share.
Start with a brand new DT750 (easier to work with), and strip everything. there is a guide by tecdux, here
And then, follow FliteTest's tips to add a goop of epoxy at the end of the wiring to keep it safe.
Another that i found very usefull is to oil the bearings, i left them overnight in a small plastic with 10w motor oil.
Cut the extra long shaft, I run the bell on a drill, and while the bell spinning, i use dremel to cut it. and also I made a sharp pointy end on the shaft, with drill and dremel method, it will always 100% center.
Balance the motor bell. Even a brand new motor got unbalanced too. With the sharp point, I can balance it on a DIY mag-lev balancer. All you need is a good neo magnets.
This is what I got from balancing the motor bell. Also don't forget to balance the props too, lot's of guide out there
Assemble the motor bell and props. I like to use zip ties for this. It works very well and this will add a weak points for crashing, less damage for the motors and cheaper than dirt.
Yet again, balancing the assambled motor and props is also important.
This is my first article on, and Please pardon my english. It is not my main language.
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small foam screen .
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balancing motor bell + prop attached is just something to do at home..
after doing this method for 4 motors, taking of the bell is just an easy job to do..
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as for the bearings, i had my original bearing soaked in oil, an already flying for over 60 times, and still works fine..
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if i need lots of weight balancing, i use david's zip tie method..
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Your magnet jig for the bell balancing is also great.
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i'll try dt700 for my next project.. thanks
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I think I'll have to give this a test.
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