Turnigy 9x switch fix

by pitts special | April 4, 2013 | (0) Posted in Projects

This week I pulled the duel rate switch on my 9x and it broke off! Opening the case of the transmitter revealed it was just a simple toggle switch.

I unsoldered the wires to the switch so I could match it to a similar switch at Radio Shack.

Success, a perfect match, and only four bucks.

Following the wiring guide, solder the wires to there proper terminals. Make sure to position the switch in the hole before soldering the wires. 

I used the same retaining nut on the replacement switch so it would match the others. All fixed, let's go fly:)


pitts special on April 5, 2013
The variable dial switch is called a potentiometer. Radio Shack sells pots at http://www.radioshack.com/family/index.jsp?categoryId=2032275. You would have to remove the dial head to see if it would fit on a new pot . Good luck, I hope you can fix it.
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Mizzster D Double-a on April 5, 2013
mind broke the Turn switch, any idea? i cant find them at RadioShack.

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Sirglider on April 6, 2013
Thanks for article as I just broke my Throttle switch. Need to replace it. Could you post the reference of the product? I just can't find which one is the right one.
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pitts special on April 6, 2013
Sure, the part number from radio shack that I used is 2750634. It is also available online http://www.radioshack.com/product/index.jsp?productId=2062506
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Turnigy 9x switch fix