Tricopter with HXT900 as Yaw-Servo

by Piper Cub | April 14, 2013 | (0) Posted in Projects

Hey Flite Test!

So I recently put together a tricopter using an HXT900 servo for the tail yaw system. I'm using 3/8" poplar arms and 24 gram motors from HK so it's not a big tricopter.

One of the two plywood plates that will sandwich the arms.

I glued the tail boom in place with small block to stop the two forward arms from folding forward.

 Then I installed the two forward arms (yellow) with their motors mounts:


Now to the tail servo:

A single metal rod is mounted and secured stationary inside of the rear tail with about 1.25" of the rod sticking straight out the back. Then I took a 1" block of wood and drilled a hole slight bigger than the rod with through. I then mounted the motor on this block and slid the block over the rod so the motor mount can swing freely. Below, the block on the left represent the tail boom, the block on the right is the motor mount.

To the bottom of the motor mount, glue the HXT900 with the gear being vertically in line with the metal bar. I then attached servo arms to the metal bar (with CA) and to the servo. Then I simply bent some metal rod to connect the two. The metal rod is stationary and the servo moves with the motor mount.

It flys really well with the servo set up on the back and I have great yaw-control.

I did take it out for a flight and mid-flight there was so much wind that my forward arms bent back and I crashed, I fixed that with a simple locking system:

So this is the finished product, I used bbq skewers as landing gear, they work quite well and they are easy to replace when the break :)

The battery mount is on the bottom and there is space for a camera in front of the control board :)


Thanks and if you have any questions just comment! 


Sirglider on April 15, 2013
I doubt of the reliability of plastic gear servos for such an application..
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Piper Cub on April 18, 2013
I agree and I plan on replacing the servo long-term, but it flys really well as of now and I've had no issues...
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mena142 on April 17, 2013
My first tricopter setup used a HXT500 (5g) servo and I had lots of fun with it but it kept having to fix it after crashing (it would just unstick itself) and I striped like 3 gear sets until I decided to go with a proper yaw mount :P. I do relate to you, I was so exited and anxious to fly my tricopter I just went with what I had at hand, and I even did some FPV flights on such an unrealiable setup :P.
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Piper Cub on April 18, 2013
I do plan to upgrade it once I do my next order from HK, but I've had several flights on it so far and it has performed well, I don't trust the plastic gears though...
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Tricopter with HXT900 as Yaw-Servo