Removable Canopy for FT Racer

by Flynn | April 20, 2014 | (9) Posted in How To


FT Racer Removable Canopy

After flying the FT Spitfire and having to cut a hatch in the underside to make my servo connections, I saw a need for access to the inside of the plane, midway, behind the power pod. This is my solution for the FT Racer.

A nice hole here would be great access to the rear of the power pod. Now for some Canopy Ideas.

This one was easy to build.

This is the type of canopy I'm after, but I don't like the look. I doesn't look "Racer" style. Kinda looks like a middle ages Nun's Habit.

I remembered the two types of canopies available from the FT Racer build video. I liked the slick racer style. I used the one-piece poster board as a template and marked the front and rear position on the plane.

I then created the pieces. These were the final pieces

The Base

The Rear Former

The Middle Former

The Front Formers


After gluing them together, I then put glue down the middle former and placed the canopy poster board on the middle former making sure its centered

I kept it to the front and let it hang over the rear

Then glued the sides

After the glue dried, I trimmed the over hang marking the cut line using the bottom edge as a guide.


An important step is to clean out any glue that has squeezed out into the corners. I also cut the rear of the canopy about a 1/4 inch from the corner to overlap the rear turtle deck when placed on the plane.

Cut the hole for access to the receiver.

Some velcro strategically placed

Another Important step is to cut two pieces of poster board and custom fit them in below the cockpit line, connecting the front and rear turtle decks. I didn't take a picture before I masked and painted. But it's needed to make up the difference from the velcro and clean the lines up overall.

This is it after paint.

And on the plane.

Plans :


LordVader on May 14, 2014
Very nice, thanks for sharing.
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Kurt0326 on May 15, 2014
Thank you! I just made my racer so I will pout this to good use.
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Yogenh on August 17, 2014
Very good I like it a lot with out it, it is hard to get the power pod in. I will have to make it and it could work for others. Thanks for the good work
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