RC JAS-39 Gripen

by HoriAkuma | March 6, 2013 | (6) Posted in Just Fun

This is my scratchbuilt JAS-39 Gripen, designed by Steve Shumate, plans available at WWW.Parkjets.com. Made out of Blue Fanfold foam from lowes and balsa, Powered by a Grayson Hobbies SuperMicroJet V2, 20 amp Grayson ESC, and a 1600mah lipo. Two Corona metal gear servos for the elevons, one for the rudder, and one for the canards. Tons of sanding involved with this one, taking almost three weeks to finish. Looks and flies great, handling well at high and low speeds.


HoriAkuma on March 8, 2013
Hey thanks a lot guys, really appreciate the kind words!
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Adib Vahedi on March 7, 2013
Wow it looms beautiful very good building and beautiful design!

Keep up the great work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;)
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smit6089 on March 6, 2013
What a great build. You can tell how much time you put into this and it looks like it was worth every moment.
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p51p51 on March 7, 2013
Great video
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RC JAS-39 Gripen