Quadrocopter on wire

by DroneBuster | September 29, 2013 | (0) Posted in Projects


This is first mine article here on flite test, it is going to be quite short. I just want to present our latest invention in Space Science and Technology Institute in Lithuania. It is quadrocopter on wire. It gets power from ground from 4 3S in series (currently we are waiting for 70V DC power supply)


Later I should post article about other our projects here in SSTI (in lithuanian KMTI)


sailorJohn on October 11, 2013
Should be able to hover till the motors burn up, good grief, the possibilities.
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sailorJohn on October 11, 2013
Won't be able to lose it!
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DroneBuster on October 11, 2013
Yeah... but for now it's easy to crash because when you go to 60% throttle DC - DC converter turns off
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danpooed on October 11, 2013
This is something I have put some thought into. What kind of flight time do you get with the batteries? And with the new power supply would you be stay up for like hours?
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DroneBuster on October 11, 2013
tried for 1 hour and batteries didin't reached 11.1V, we got power supply but I haven't tested it yet because we are working on our Air Target
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LokaDesign on October 11, 2013
I miss a video ;)
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DroneBuster on October 11, 2013
As soon as I can I will make it :) Still having problems with tuning PID for loiter. In still wind it loiters perfect but in wind it drafts away...
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Quadrocopter on wire