Poly treatment and painting of a Nutball

by JasonEricAnderson | June 26, 2013 | (15) Posted in How To

I wanted to see how hard it would be to polyurethane a completed airframe for painting and how hard or easy it would be to slap on a simple paint job. 

For any airframe that is geometrically more complex than the Nutball I'd recommend treating the parts before assembly and then painting. 

In the video I demonstrate how I:

  • Use the same basic technique for poly treating the dollar store foam as my other video
  • Mask off a basic two color paint scheme
  • Apply the paint and remove the masking

Some portions of the the video are sped up to save time but I wanted to be sure and show all of my steps.

In the end I had a treated swappable airframe that was water resistant with a pleasing paint job.

Time taken:

  • 5 minutes to treat and wipe the top
  • 5 minutes to treat and wipe the bottom
  • 1 hour for the treatment to cure
  • 10 minutes to mask off the painted areas
  • 10 minutes of spray painting

If you don't count the hour cure time for the treatment I spent about 30 minutes total applying the treatment and painting. If you wanted you could create a much more complex paint scheme with some creative masking and custom designs. Having the poly on the foam core makes the masking tape come up easily without damage. 

Have fun.

Minor update: Here is a FT Flyer that I treated prior to assembly and then painted with the same technique



Jaxx on June 29, 2013
Thanks for the great tutorials. They have been very helpful.
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Jimmy the Heater on June 29, 2013
Now it's a paintball :) Nice work on that!

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Miracle Air on June 29, 2013
This is really useful. I'm going to try it on my next model. Great work!
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billchuck on June 29, 2013
You really don't want to let the paint dry completely before removing the masks. If you do, it can chip where the mask comes up. With spray paint, removing the masks just a few minutes after spraying will give you sharper edges. Just keep your fingers (and anything else) out of the paint that is on the model so you don't smear it.
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JasonEricAnderson on July 1, 2013
Great point billchuck. And I'm pretty sure must have been why I was cussing out my masking tape when I last painted my son's room. :-)
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Aquanot on October 10, 2013
nice work!
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Poly treatment and painting of a Nutball