Polikarpov U-2 / Po-2 maiden.

by alibopo | November 5, 2014 | (9) Posted in Projects

Polikarpov U-2 / Po-2

UPDATE 16/01/2015 - Here's a link to the plans; Polikarpov Po-2/U-2 

UPDATE 28/03/2015 - I've been collecting and updating all my articles, planes and plans on my own website on this page; RCplanes It's still a work in progress, but there's a few extras and beta-stage projects that don't appear here on the Flite Test website yet.

This is the maiden flight of my most recent biplane build the Polikarpov U-2 / PO-2. It is flying, but the plane needs some final work and tuning before I release the drawings for the build. I don't think I've got the CG quite right yet, and there's an issue with aggressive climbing under power, which I hope will be addressed by altering the thrust angle of the motor, though I may need to reduce the angle of incidence as well. Currently I'm flying with a fair bit of down elevator to counteract this. You'll see from the video the plane is stable in flight, but it's not an ideal setup. Also the rudder does not seem as effective as it should be, though the plane does wonderful banked turns with the slightest dip of the wings. In the meantime, I thought I'd share this video as it's such a great looking plane in the air. Alibopo. 


Berkut47 on November 6, 2014
can you please put out build plans please

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alibopo on November 7, 2014
Hi Berkut47, plans now posted with the build article. Cheers.
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Berkut47 on November 7, 2014
thanks comrade
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alibopo on November 8, 2014
HAH! :)
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jrvalentin62 on November 5, 2014
Like your work. They're always unique builds. Fun to catch your progress on the builds. Have you considered sharing pdf plans of your other builds. Cheers.
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alibopo on November 5, 2014
Thanks for the comment. The good news is I've just got the hang of producing PDF drawings! The PO-2 drawings are complete and will be posted with a build article as soon as I'm happy with the wing geometry and CG. Cheers.
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Bayboos on November 5, 2014
Looks promising indeed. I'll wait inpatiently for plans and more detailed photos :)
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jrvalentin62 on November 5, 2014
Hope you will start a forum thread for it. As well as your other builds. Look forward to catching them. Clear Skies, Calm Winds. Cheers.
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Polikarpov U-2 / Po-2 maiden.