MyGeekShow's Daily USA Trip Videos Start Dec 1st

by MyGeekShow | November 24, 2014 | (0) Posted in Just Fun

Finally! Time to publish and share my USA Trip Videos. I'll be releasing one each day starting December 1st through December 8th.

You can watch in on:
FliteTest Article:
MyGeekShow's Website:
YouTube Channel:
DIYDrones Blog Post:

The videos will be:
Dec 1st - Getting to California
Dec 2nd - Setting Up
Dec 3rd - First Flight
Dec 4th - The Longest Day
Dec 5th - The End
Dec 6th - Lessons Learned
Dec 7th - Team Interviews
Dec 8th - The Next USA Trip

I can't wait! Tell your friends! : )


tctmonkey on November 25, 2014
Really cool, did you have to get any permits for this? Will all the FAA stuff going on right now I was wondering what sort of things were required for this trip?
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MyGeekShow on November 25, 2014
No permits needed, the FAA statement didn't come out until just after the attempt. For now, there is so much discussion and uncertainty I'm not sure what would be required. I'd imagine all that will get clearer when the FAA finalizes it's rule.
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rcspaceflight on November 24, 2014
I'm looking forward to hearing the tale of your failed attempt. I'm sure it's full of lessons. I'd love to see someone achieve the feat.
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MyGeekShow on November 24, 2014
Yes, a lot was learned, unfortuantly, it was actually fairly basic stuff compared to the level of technology and processes that were in place. But, a whole video will be dedicated to talking what was learned. Will someone do it? Yes! I'd love to try again...
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MyGeekShow's Daily USA Trip Videos Start Dec 1st