moondust - beautiful scenery FPV compilation

by Provotroll | December 30, 2014 | (12) Posted in Just Fun

For the HD version please click here

Music: Jaymes Young - Moondust


BurningArmada on December 30, 2014
Some breathtaking views there! Great video.
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Provotroll on December 31, 2014
Thanks :-)
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Gopherdave on December 30, 2014
Awesum video! You have such a talent for producing them! As a fixed wing pilot who can't fly for medical reasons I get goosebumps when I watch videos like this, takes me back. I love what you do please keep them coming and don't let the ignorant ones spoil your awesome work!

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Provotroll on December 30, 2014
Thanks man. I appreciate it.
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hele559 on January 2, 2015
Gopherdave, do you fly FPV or RC?
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hele559 on January 2, 2015
Sorry, should rephrase that, do you fly RC? have you done any FPV flying aswell?
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Provotroll on January 3, 2015
This video is 100% FPV footage. It's what I do most of the times.
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hele559 on January 3, 2015
Sorry, Provotroll was asking GopherDave, such an amazing video though, good choice of music too ;)
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Dale194 on January 2, 2015
Beautiful scenery!! Where was this filmed at?
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Provotroll on January 2, 2015
Different locations in the Black Forest area and southern Bavaria - both in Germany, as well as in Grindelwald Switzerland.
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ModellflugBub on January 3, 2015
Tag Provotroll, (und frohes Fest) kannst du mir die Orte geben wo du fliegst, bitte. Brauchst man nicht eine Aufstiegserlaubnis für was du machst ?
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Provotroll on January 4, 2015
Eine Genehmigung braucht man erst ab 5kg oder für kommerzielle Flüge. Ich mach das nur als Hobby und bin bei max 2,4kg.
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ModellflugBub on January 4, 2015
Jedoch veröffentlichst du, also bist du im gewerblichem Bereich bzw. im kommerziellem Bereich, nicht mehr im Hobby.
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Crazy68 on January 3, 2015
Always stunning! You guys rock! Keep up the great work please!

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Provotroll on January 4, 2015
Thank you.
There's only one guy btw - me. It's a one man show ;-)
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rcflyer729 on December 30, 2014
real nice job on the video keep it up
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Provotroll on December 31, 2014
Thank you rcflyer :-)
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abieex on December 30, 2014
It really doesn't matter where this was filmed. Flying FPV above the clouds is dangerous and totally irresponsible. This is the kind of thing that has the FAA up in arms and as a private pilot I don't blame them. Shame on you FT, you should know better!
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ghostrider03z on December 30, 2014
LOL you need to open your eyes a little bit, you didnt even notice that flitetest isnt the author this, heck you think that flitetest flies in an area like this? You must be new. Opinions are good, but not all the time.
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Provotroll on December 30, 2014
I think you got the wrong idea. Take off and landing was performed above the clouds/ fog and the plane was within line of sight. Please have a look at this video with more footage of that flight and see for yourself:

Further FT has nothing to do with this video. I just shared it here on their site.
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FlyingMonkey on March 21, 2015
In his defense since "Flite Test" is responsible for what content is allowed in this section, iI can understand why he would hold "them" accountable.
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abieex on December 30, 2014
I did get the wrong idea. My bad. Sorry for being so touchy and pls accept appologies.
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Provotroll on December 31, 2014
No worries!
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Red20RC on December 30, 2014
Pretty much perfect as usual! Very jealous of the places you get to fly.

Keep it up and don't let the scare mongers put you off.
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Provotroll on December 31, 2014
Nice to see there are loyal long time followers like you who seem to watch all the stuff I put out. Thanks man :-)
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noaflight2 on December 30, 2014
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Zeb Ludlow on December 31, 2014
A work of art

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Provotroll on January 2, 2015
Thanks Zeb
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MountainSnowFlyer on January 13, 2015
Nice work! Good choice of music and well edited. The flying and scenery isn't bad either. ;)
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moondust - beautiful scenery FPV compilation