FPV Vapor

by FliteTest | December 29, 2014 | (12) Posted in Reviews



Alex, Josh and Peter Review the FPV Vapor RTF from Horizon Hobby. This package comes with a Fat Shark Teleporter V4 headset and SpiroNET circular polarized antenna system and features the Spektrum™ VS1100 ultra micro FPV system.

The boys have an obstacle course planned for testing out the indoor capabilities of the Vapor.

Josh is up first to run the bases!

A little low rounding first, so he circles back and gets through the waypoint.

Josh crossing the finish line with a whopping 56 second time.

Peter giving Josh a second try with a hand launch this time.

Josh crossed the line at 39 seconds this time, he's feeling very, "Athletic".

Josh letting the plane know its Peter's turn.

The battery didn't hold up for the entire course, so second base decided to give Peter a slow landing.

The guys give Rick his first FPV experience.

Alex reminding everyone your the "Captain" of this plane.

Ready To Fly FPV Vapor: http://amzn.to/1tehNQq

Thanks so much for your continued support. We wouldn't be where we are today without everyone believing in Flite Test and supporting. Hope y'all have a happy holiday! See ya next time. 


grackle on December 29, 2014
Yes, please, more on the FPV box! :)
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Daniël on December 29, 2014
Video is removed on YouTube....??
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austinfurey on December 29, 2014
Needed to re-upload, it's back! :)
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GlueTapeNFly on December 29, 2014
What is the flight time on the fpv Vapor?
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cj_ace5 on December 29, 2014
On my65% ft 3d it's 22inwingspan 20in fusage, 24 oz, it's going to get a turnigy park 450 with turingy 20a esc. What's a good mah battery to go with? It needs to be a 3s ???mah battery, I know it's not relivent but please help!!!! I'd appreciate it.
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Yogenh on December 29, 2014
I really don't know much myself but if you check out the forums I think that you will find lots of help there. Hope you get the info you need.
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cj_ace5 on December 29, 2014
I made a 65% ft 3d:-) 22inwing, 20inch fues can't wait to fly!!
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ColinTastic on March 22, 2015
I own a baby blender and thinking of using a gopro for fpv, how well will the go pro fit in the blender?
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FPV Vapor