Monster Build Tips

by FliteTest | April 2, 2014 | (43) Posted in Tips

One would assume that because these planes are 200% larger that the build would be 200% harder. Great news. This isn't the case!

Josh and David show how they brought these monster planes to life!

The monsters build  exactly like the normal swappables but the name of the game here is structural integrity. 

On the normal FT Spitfire the power pod provides a great amount of strength for the fuselage. 

To compensate for the absent power pod on the monster, David built a similar style box to keep the fuselage from buckling in on itself. 

The motor mount was built from lauan plywood and LOTS of glue. Hot glue to be exact. CA glue didn't quite hold up to the vibrations from the motor and you can see the results below. 

Here are the big fat control horns. The patterns for these are available in the Monster FT Cruiser Plans.

The belly is lined with a thin plywood to prevent the rubber bands that hold the wings from digging into the foam. 

The wings for the Monster FT Cruiser couldn't be removed like David's Spitfire, so Josh decided to use a technique called shear webbing. Usually this is done with wood but here we use foam. 

He also used a joining spar with a screw to connect the wing to the fuselage.

More simply, the long spar coming out of the wing is inserted into a tab in the fuselage. Kind of like big flying Legos!

Here is a bottom shot of Josh's motor mount. 

One amazingly easy and fun addition to any huge plane are bomb bays! All it takes is a box, an extra servo, and a hinge line. 

To keep the tail rudder strong Josh reinforced the mounts with a thin sheet of plywood. 

For more detailed explanations of these techniques check out the episode!

The number one rule for monster planes is DON'T BE INTIMIDATED! The build time is more lengthy but the flying is surprisingly more docile and smooth. 

Also take these techniques and apply them to any plane that you wish. We would love to see your success with any of our plans or your personal ones! 

We thank you again for letting us do projects like this and hope that we have given you the inspiration to try this yourself!




Monster FT Cruiser Electronics

  • Motor: 2826-04 x2
  • Prop: 13x6.5 APC
  • ESC: Favorite 80A x2
  • Servos: BMS620MG x4
  • Battery: 3S10,000mAH

Monster FT Spitfire Electronics

  • Motor: C5065 270 Kv
  • Prop: 20X10 Xoar
  • ESC: Turnigy dlux 80A HV
  • Servos: HK47111DMG x4
  • Battery: 6S5000mAH


What plane would you like to see made into a monster? Let us know! Chat it up in the forums!


Mukhdi on April 2, 2014
Great Job ... This is why flitetest become famous ...
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Cole.b on May 24, 2014
does anyone know the exact sizes of the plans for the giant cruiser.

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hollywoodfox on April 3, 2014
Brilliant ! How big can a tricopter go ?? Now that's a challenge ! !
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LittleFox on April 3, 2014
200% Tricopter!! Something big enough to lift David :D ahahha
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casehatter on April 2, 2014
Poor Man's Giants I Love EM Let's see the newest thing in your mind a NEW GIANT from your own design not a swappable maybe a giant Top wing..!!
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Cartec on April 3, 2014
Would definitely like to see a giant high wing. Similar to a Raven UAV or "Maker Trainer."
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Kurt0326 on April 2, 2014
Also +1 for Viggen. I have two 64mm EDFs might fit???
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gowen on April 3, 2014
Great show. I've got a box with 9 sheets of A1 sized foamboard in the garage that might have a giant Spitfire's name on it. My only question is "How can I print the plans?". I've access to a 36" wide drum plotter, but I can't work out a tiling scheme that doesn't have parts split across sheets.
David, can you share your print settings please. Many thanks.
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TEAJR66 on April 3, 2014
You can print the regular PDF at custom scale (200%). Set the Page Sizing and Handling to Poster. It will just make more tiles for you to assemble. But, it works.
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llharper on April 3, 2014
Super job. About a 200% FT Flyer and a 200% FT Old Fogey. A giant Old Fogey would look awesome.
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VadimR on April 4, 2014
From a weight standpoint, how does this foam plane compare to a balsa wood plane of the same size?

So what would the limits be for foam board construction? Would it be possible to make a small single seater airplane that one could actually pilot?
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Jghanson25 on April 7, 2014
YESS!!! GIANT DUSTER!!! that would be awesome! or a new giant? T-craft? Cub? or a new regular park size T-craft? David did the scale viggen which is amaaazing, I think it's time we see Josh do a scale T-craft. PLEEEAAASE? haha come on folks! what say you?! Chant with me! T-CRAFT! T-CRAFT! T_CRAFT!

haha GREAT episode guys!
In all you do, do it to the glory of God

-jonathan hanson from alaska
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calipso on April 9, 2014
I second this motion. A giant tractor would be WAY cool. They need something to pull that big glider, or an e-Kite, or Davids lawn chair...
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Imaxinar DM on April 2, 2014
Very informative, always love the videos and discussions like this one.
You asked: Monster Viggen with TWO ducted fans in it.
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Yogenh on April 2, 2014
I would like that one too. Don't think you could get much more of a challenge than that.
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Jeroen on May 2, 2014
Count me in for the Monster Viggen! How cool would that be... Keep up the great work guys! The Vids and articles keep me inspired for new builds!
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bastinat0r on April 13, 2014
+1 For the Moster Viggen!

A 200% Version of the Kraken would also be nice.
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applemagnet633 on June 26, 2014
Yeah!! That would be awesome!!!
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RaptorTech on May 30, 2014
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kevinmac56 on April 2, 2014
Great job! How about supersize Baby Blender?
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caseMasterxL on April 2, 2014
I voted for a 200% FT3D in a comment RE below, but honestly, the Baby Blender was my initial thought... then I remembered why it's called the BABY Blender haha. (See the original Blender Episode.) FT Crew, what's the scale of the original Blender compared to the Baby Blender?
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danield on April 3, 2014
I've looked at the plans that you posted, no scale on plans? Hows that suppose to work.
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Marker on April 3, 2014
Make 150 inch Avro Lancaster because Avro made great planes. Could we see an Avro Arrow some time? That plane has a sad story and almost no one makes it and it is so hard to find plans for it.
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larz001 on April 4, 2014
I would love to see a 300%, yes a 300% ripslinger, im almost finished building a 150% 60" ws ripslinger but really wanna see a 300%, (I woulda went that big but I don't have the motor for something that size) ummmm unless,,,,,,,,,,,hey I could go nitro powered or 35cc gasser that could work lol
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Yogenh on June 28, 2014
Now the Ripslinger I would love to see it at 200%
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RCairforce on April 2, 2014
Awesome! Maybe a giant FT-22 or Viggen next?
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Imaxinar DM on April 2, 2014
+1 on Viggen for sure
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Yogenh on April 19, 2014
I would love the Viggen too. I think it would be great with 2 fans
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carsonpauli on April 2, 2014
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kms64 on April 2, 2014
I'm with Zwoobz, let's see a giant Simple Soarer!
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Yogenh on June 28, 2014
That would make for a great slope soarer!!!

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puzzleflyer on April 2, 2014
I would love to see a Blunt nose Kraken, or a 200% FT3D. I think the FT3D would be the bigger challenge given the flight envelope of a 3d aircraft. Also that would require and exceptionally large motor depending on final weight of a 200% FT3D. You wanted a challenge. Your fans are eagerly lining up to give you some great ones. Good luck. I look forward to all that you do,
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caseMasterxL on April 2, 2014
I would love to see a 200% FT3D!!!
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flying farmer on April 3, 2014
This is the kind of stuff that I love Flite Test for. Great job!!
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Turbochanger on April 2, 2014
David, Josh great build. Many great tips. How about a 200% Old Fogey? It already flies real slow. Maybe this larger version will do better in the wind( which we have an abundance of here in N.M.).
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ppinto on April 2, 2014
I think a 200% Viggen would be really cool.
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hele559 on April 2, 2014
can you even buy a fan that big?
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Yogenh on October 14, 2014
I would say do it with 2 70mm Fans. And it would be great!!!
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biomecanoid on April 4, 2014
I would love to see a monster size ugly stick. Should be fairly easy to do.
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Tetlowj5003 on April 2, 2014
cool!y'all should do a giant FT Duster!!!

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Jghanson25 on April 7, 2014
YESS!!! GIANT DUSTER!!! that would be awesome! or a new giant? T-craft? Cub?
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TEAJR66 on April 3, 2014
Great stuff guys. I built and flew a 200% versa wing. It was excellent!

Super size anything! Its all entertaining.
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the vicar on April 4, 2014
Such a great video guys! As always. The flight video was soooo good even my 21yr old daughter watched and enjoyed ( I think it was the croc piloting the spitfire that got her attention.) I think a giant blunt nose versa would be awesome.
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Rcgary24 on April 5, 2014
a few 200% Bloody Wonders dogfighting would be really awesome , or some giant scale racing with a couple monster Dusters and FT Racers would be pretty awesome too!!!!! SUPER SIZE ALL of your designs! they are all great , hard to pick and choose which one would be coolest.
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Zwoobz on April 2, 2014
I think a huge FT Flyer and FT Simple Soarer would be great!
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parvaz on April 2, 2014
In this day and age, they have a disclaimer for just about everything! You guys need to inform your site visitors that can be VERY ADDICTIVE. Great job, you guys are amazing!!!!!
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Yogenh on April 2, 2014
I am with you this is very addictive. The best thing of it all it doesn't take lots of money to do them.
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Captain T on April 2, 2014
Just ordered the parts and cut out the plans! Took forever!
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Kurt0326 on April 3, 2014
for which one
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GFergy on April 3, 2014
Great job Guys! Those planes flew amazingly well! OK, here's a challenge for ya! How about a Super-Sized Fowl Flyer?! ...and being in Ohio, you could pay homage to "WKRP in Cincinnati" and incorporate a bomb drop for turkeys! (If you guys remember that) ;-)
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Yogenh on June 28, 2014
I remember that one
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trobinson1230 on April 3, 2014
That is really cool guys. yep another good idea. I personally would love to see the FT 3-D supersized because I and a lot of others are trying to learn 3-D and it would be really cool to do it on the bigger one that I made myself that I wasn't afraid of crashing
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lancaster on April 3, 2014
My suggestion for a supersize is the Flybaby
everyone loves it
it has the background - Pete Bowes
and your Spitfire almost resembles it
what do you think?
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goeland86 on April 3, 2014
How about an FT-Monster Viggen? Make it with Chad's paint job and David's after-burner :D
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Yogenh on June 28, 2014
Now that would really be something great!!!!!

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CJGFX on April 3, 2014
Something that would be fun to see is a 200% F22… Would be interesting to hear the noise it would make at that scale…. Great episode guys they look a blast to fly… If you do another 'BIG' scale can you tell us how to choose the right size motor for the bigger planes.
Happy 400th guys!

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stephen on April 3, 2014
That was brilliant. I'm going to build one of them maybe both. How about a DR1 or SE5. 400 episodes and everyone a good one can't wait for the next 400. Thanks a bunch I'm loving this ;-)
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viezekrabnl on April 5, 2014
hey guys do you have the blue prints of this build?
i want to make my own aircraft (BIG).
its also my first time flying.
looks great
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frogs84ss on April 5, 2014
can you provide links to the motors used or provide more specific specs so we can find other motors that would work. I cant find the motor David used on the spit. I know josh said his motors wher from lazertoyz but where can we get David's motor?
Log In to reply on August 4, 2016
I used this motor for spit...
Turnigy G160 Brushless Outrunner 290kv (160 Glow) from hobby king.
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Combomaster on April 3, 2014
6s battery in the spit?? That is a huuuuuge source :D
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Starjock on April 3, 2014
I would like to see/fly a Monster Baby Blender, but an FT-22 large enough to put a pair of EDFs onto is very tempting.
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LJch on April 4, 2014
ford tri motor was made in the 1930s for f/t to do in foam they just didnt know, it would be just what you are looking for, what a great rc it could be.
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carsonpauli on April 2, 2014
200% FT Racer
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Calisao on April 3, 2014
How much did each of these planes weigh? I'd like to see a 200% FT Racer with a huuuuuge motor on it.
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mad_milchmann on April 3, 2014
How about some 50% size builds.... would be great to see the 50% 100% and 200% standing right next to each other and you could directly compare the flying charactersitics when a plane "grows".

You could maybe even "drop" a 50% plane from a 200% plane :)

then maybe do some air-combat with the 50% planes against the "motherships" of the opponent? :D
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gowen on April 4, 2014
I've worked out a way using InkScape and Bullzip PDF to split the Monster Spitfire plans into 36" x 24" sheets, so I can print them on the works drum plotter. I've made them available for download.

If the Flitetest guys would prefer me not to host them, let me know and I'll take them down.
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1959cutter on April 29, 2014
THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have beeeeeeen racking my brains to print these plans!!
thanks again gowan,i owe you a pic of my plane when I do it!
if you could do that for all of ft aircraft,i think they would like that.I know I would,as im lazy and don't want to tape 221 half blank papers together like I did with a kraken (182 pgs)
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Turbochanger on April 5, 2014
David, Could you write up a set of directions for the spit? I have had the plans you provided printed. Probably should not use the U.P.S store to do this, unless they have a really big roll-printer. They had to tile the plans, and wasted a lot of paper(lots of cutting out of parts patterns!). I also had to pay about$45.00 for the printing as the plans are 118" by 118".. It's going to take a while to prepare all the parts for assembly. I am pretty sure what parts go where, but I'm not 100% sure. Some directions would be fabulous. Thank You.
Log In to reply on August 4, 2016
I am building the spitfire now. There are a couple of items in the plans I am not sure what they are. The first item is the 10 'jagged' looking pieces in the center of the plans. Are these balsa, poster board, foam board, plywood or what kind of material and where are they used? And just to the right of those is a "T" looking item. I figure that is plywood but not sure where it goes. A little help here would be appreciated.
Keep up the good work guys.
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LetsFlyRC on April 2, 2014
Super Size combos number 22 and 27 please.
Viggen and craken. Woo hoo u guys rock.
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airbrush6 on April 2, 2014
How's about a Giant scale WW2 bomber like, a B-29 , a Lancaster, a Lockheed Constellation, or a B-24 Liberator. Something with 4 motors would really put a challenge on both the strength of the foam boards and your engineering skills. By the way I met you Josh and David in Akron, and I really want to thank you for the great job your doing to improve the hobby for a vast majority of people. I'm the airbrush painter that talked with you there. I would like to help you out with a project of your choice, let me know! Keep up the good work.
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Kurt0326 on April 3, 2014
I already spoke for a B-17. Eventually all five would be good though. Bixler did mention that he wanted to build a bomber for the FT Fun Fair. We will have to see which one they build.
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12many on April 3, 2014
Hey Guy's -Possible speedbuild kits? Figure it would make things a little bit easy for the printer and our fingers. Great show!
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webbie on April 2, 2014
super size the FT-3D to match a 30% scale edge
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hele559 on April 2, 2014
you should blow up the baby blender just for fun, and then the versa wing, these are awesome!
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SamuelHughes on April 3, 2014
A giant B-29 or B-25
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bitogre on April 3, 2014
My idea for your next big plane is a Twin 70mm EDF F-14 Tomcat with working swing wings out of foam board.
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Paulshort on April 3, 2014
release the kracken!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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charles2690 on April 2, 2014
Want a real challenge? make a 200% size kraken!!! This is where we will see if DTF is really good for everything!
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applemagnet633 on June 26, 2014
That would also ve awesom!!!
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Kurt0326 on April 2, 2014
CHALLENGE! i would love to see a new build, the B-17. and you could have the warbirds flying escort. I have always thought about building it and never have the time. PLEASE, help my big dreams come true.
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Latubi on April 2, 2014
+1 on b-17. I have a quadcopter I'm going to take apart *grin*
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Yogenh on October 14, 2014
I would love to see a B-17 too. I think that would be a really great build!!!
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mrscale on April 2, 2014
the BD-5 PUSHER , a James bond natural
This would be A great build simple flat side fuselage
What ever you make is worth watching the Viggen and also need a source for the 2" or 4" blue foam for the first Viggen.
This would be A great build simple flat side fuselage , the BD-5 PUSHER , a James bond natural.
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F2G2Corsair on April 2, 2014
How about a Versa Wing Hang Glider? :D I don't mean you have to get in and fly it, but it must be able to carry a crash test dummy lol.
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p-51boy on April 3, 2014
you should super size the ft racer or the baby blender
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frogs84ss on April 2, 2014
more super sized planes this is just freakin awesome!!!!! super size the 3d,f22,dusty,vigen double edf? any thing this is great love seeing it. thanks for the vids you guys are amazing. I'm very inspired btw. super sized and normal sized cub woud be amazing. thanks again
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cds702 on April 3, 2014
Giant "Old Speedster" with ailerons, flaps and 200% wheel pants or a giant tri copter : )
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iZilly on April 6, 2014
Is there anyone who knows how to print this out with a normal printer? i SO want to build this but don´t know how to get the plans printet? ohh and do anyone know what is equivalent to MinWax in Europe/Denmark?

Thank you for any help :)
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frogs84ss on April 7, 2014
you need adobe reader x. when you go to print it just select poster and 100% and it will print it out tiled for you. easy as that. oh and if you don't have adobe reader x great news its free just Google it and download it from the adobe web site easy as that good luck have fun.
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Kokobop1 on April 13, 2014
For those wanting to print the Spitfire plans on a regular printer, on the Adobe Reader X print dialogue box you have a "Poster" tab which will let you do just that. It even lets you put how much overlap you need.
However, I would highly recommend going to your local Kinkos/FedEx or other large format printing place (sign companies usually have this, too) and get them to print out the plans on a single sheet. It shouldn't cost more than $20-$30. If you print the plans on an inkjet printer, it'll cost you at least that in paper and ink.
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Ewan_Air on April 28, 2014
Please, oh please put up tiled plans. I have tried so many ways to get these plans blown up. I am a plane builder not a computer guy and my local office supply store can't make the plans big enough.
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msh312b on April 11, 2014
David will you please do a break down of the Spitfire plans and make each main piece a single sheet for printing, it looks like it would take 12 sheets of foam. that would make printing the plans so much easier.
Thanks and keep up the great designs.
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broadsholders on April 30, 2014
Sent your PDF to my local sign shop and asked them to print it out so I could build the 200% spitfire. They did and the roll of paper is 54" wide and 16 feet long!!!!!!!!!!!!! I will transfer the paper to poster board to make templates, then build. Will post a picture or two when done in a month or so. Can you tell me how much yours weighed before you put the decals on it? I'm hoping to be under 7#
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ScratchBuiltAircraft on April 9, 2014
Anybody have a specific motor suggestion for the 200% FT Cruiser??
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pablolc99 on April 29, 2014
make a ft-3d 200%
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Kokobop1 on April 13, 2014
Thanks, guys! The Spitfire will be my next build. When we're up your way, can we come see your place? My wife and I would love to visit sometime!
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P6E Hawk on April 17, 2014
How bout a B-25 or P-38?
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pendrin2020 on May 19, 2014
I have a question for Josh... that motor you recommended for the cruiser is really undersized for that prop. all the 2826's I see on the hobby king site don't seem to happy with anything bigger than a 8x6. could you maybe link to the motor you used?
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calipso on April 9, 2014
Great build and show, guys. Can you give links to parts/electronics? I am having a hard time finding the right motor... What are the specs?
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dana2048 on May 2, 2014
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PyroBraniac on June 6, 2014
How about a super-sized mustang!
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airtist on December 12, 2016
Yes, i am going to build one over the summer but i would love to see some ideas and some recommendations for electronics
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Tsavah on August 16, 2017
I like that idea a bunch.
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Tsavah on August 16, 2017
Hmmm ... not sure why the comment didn't post to PyroBraniac's comment, but that was what I was trying to indorse.
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mikerclife on September 16, 2014
Can someone tell me how they made the gators hands and control stick move with the plane?
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Mogeley on November 20, 2014
The stick is attached to the plane and is moved around by one or more servo's. Then attach the monsters hands to the stick, and it looks like the monster is controlling the plane.
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zbaron19 on September 13, 2014
Bloody wonder v2. 400%!!!!!! That would be awesome!!!!
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Captain1938 on June 8, 2014
Let's just super-size them all.
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Defog on July 8, 2014
I would like to make a large Duster. Paint it just like Dusty Crop Hopper, and entertain kids. If I can add SAFE to it with the 3 modes... Imagine niece's & nephew's being able to fly Dusty!
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Mogeley on November 20, 2014
Monster Krakken would be cool!! So would a monster cargo planes. But you haven't release the first cargo plane (yet)... :)
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meljr on March 3, 2015
Giants bloody wonder with monster horsepower thank you meljr
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Jake3dpilot on July 24, 2015
It would be cool to make a 200% ft 3d
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max.voncina on January 2, 2016
Now you can mount two paintball gun and fpv so you can have a semi-real dogfight! It would be fantastic!!
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HyFlyMark on November 7, 2015
A B25 would be really nice. I like the idea of Twin motors
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Claudiu on July 12, 2015
Hey Guys!! I'm building the 200% cruiser ... I have a problem with one of my ESC .. It was functioning perfectly until ...I gave it throttle and the motor stated going crazy ticking ...First i thought its one of the cables ...I tried the other motor (which worked) and the same results .. thus Im sure that the problem is with the ESC . but the Esc works ... it provides power to the receiver. Please help me I cant afford another Esc!!
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ccarlos on September 18, 2016
heyyy guys all right ...... guys pls you can post again the plans of Monster FT Cruiser and
Monster FT Spitfire but the tiled ..... pls send for my email
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ccarlos on September 18, 2016

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ccarlos on June 4, 2016
hi guys how are u ?

mens i want i know

I wonder if there is a FT- SPITFIRE plant has her giant TILED ?
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DarthMater on December 6, 2016
Supersize a Sea Duck! Love your site guys! Very addictive fun indeed!
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skycrypter on May 15, 2016
i cant download the plans
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massivellama on August 13, 2016
I want to see a huge Sea Duck!
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Tsavah on August 16, 2017
I would also like to see some big, huge, and etc. German and Japanese aircraft. I don't seem to recall any in the Flite Test family of kits, or projects. Maybe there is a reason I am not catching onto.
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K4HSD on December 21, 2017
Always liked the DC3
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brownrc on March 21, 2018
How about an A-26 Monster
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omur34 on August 12, 2020
File test ailesinden DHC-2 Beaver ın canvarını yaparmısınız? Rica ediyorum...
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Monster Build Tips